Once Upon a December

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Clary's POV

I wake up to a melody playing. I'm in a type of ball room. I open my eyes and see an M. The Morgenstern manor.I stand up and see a music box on top of a pillar where the music is coming from. I walk towards the pillar where the music box stands. Then someone starts singing. I look around then touch my throat. I feel vibrations. I'm singing, but I can't sing. I just let the thought go.

Dancing bears

Painted wings

Things I almost remember

And a song

Someone sings

Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm

Figures dancing gracefully

Across my memory

Then I look up and see people dancing in ball gowns. I recognize them. I am still wearing my normal clothes. I see Izzy and Simon. Izzy has a black dress with her hair pinned up into a bun. She is dancing with Simon. I see Magnus and Alec also dancing together. Emma And Hook. Henry and Violet also dancing. Snow and David.Red and Dorothy. And Regina and a man. Somehow I know his name is Robin Hood. I start singing again and i just let go and my feet make me dance. It was as if I where possessed it was weird but it good like being kidnaped una an island but having amazing service. Like as if I were in a dream.

Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm

Figures dancing gracefully

Across my memory

Then a golden dress appears instead of my clothes. I keep dancing.

Far away

Long ago

Glowing dim as an ember

Things my heart used to know

Fainted yearns to remember

Then Jace pulls me close and we start dancing.

And a song

someone sings

Once upon a December

Then the melody keeps playing and everyone else disappears then the room changes into red and catches on fire. But we keep dancing. I know we are burning.Carbon dioxide filling my lungs but we just keep dancing the melody still playing.

Emma's POV

"Ok so how do we get to the underworld?" Jace asked.
"Hold on mate we can't just go to the underworld you need to wait" Hook says.
"The gateway opens at night.....and yo need the dark ones dagger to open it" I say looking at gold.
"I am not going again to the underworld." Gold says.
"We know....you just have to open the gateway" I say.
"I'm going with you" Belle says.
"Belle no" Gold tells her.
"I can do whatever I want Rumple" she says and looks at me. " I am going to the Underworld"she says.
"Alright....anyone else" I ask.
"Me and Jace are parabatai.....where he goes I go" Alec says.
"I am not going to let you go to hell on your own" Magnus tells Alec. "I will go too" Magnus confirms.
"Well it's not like there is anything better for us to do up here.....me and Simon will also go"Izzy says.
"I'm going too....it's time i payed a visit to my sister" Regina says.
"Emma We are not leaving you" my mom tells me. I shake my head.
"Last time you came we were stuck down there.....besides I need someone to look after Henry" I say.
"Who said I am not going" Henry complains.
"I do" Regina says.
"It's too dangerous ,kid" I say. Henry rolls his eyes.
"I am going too I am not letting you fight alone" Killian says as he grabs my shoulder.
" Alright then....let's get ready" I say.

Zelena's POV

This can't be Regina. Regina Hates Hades, She would never revive him and make an alliance. I think to myself. I'm back in Hades office with the Evil queen and the girl. Clary. In a Glass coffin with white flowers beneath her even though flowers don't grow here. I look up at the screen. The Evil Queen said she had modified the sleeping curse with the help of a siren. The kiss might not wake her up if she doesn't want to leave her dream world. I see Clary dancing with that blonde guy. I am pretty sure that's her boyfriend. Hades looks up at the screen. He laughs. Then The Evil Queen looks at him.
"What" She says.
"I have a crazy idea....why don't we put that dress on her?"Hades says. The Queen looks at the screen.Then she grins and waves her hands. Clary Is wearing the same golden dress and golden shoes as she had in the screen.

I keep rocking Robin in my arms

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I keep rocking Robin in my arms.

Jace POV

" 8 Steles" i say.
"Check"Alec says
"10 seraph blades" I say
"Check" Alec confirms.
"5 wepon belts" I say.
"Che....wait 5 ?" Alec asks.
"I mean 4" I say. Alec looks at me with pity.
"You really miss her" he says.
"No...yes of course I do....I just....when is this going to end...?" I ask frustrated."First it was Valentines ....then Sebastian and now this" I say.
"Do you not think she's worth it?" Alec asks.
"Of course she's worth it.....she's Clary....I just....sometimes I think everything would be so much easier if we where Mundanes" he says. Alec sighs. I shake my head. "You know what....just forget it....we need to go to the troll bridge." I say.


Still Jace POV

We get to the pond and Rumplestilsken dips his dagger into the pond. Then in the fog a cannoo comes and stops at the edge. We all get on except for Belle. "I won't let you leave" Rumplestilsken says.
"Rumple" Belle says. But it's too late Rumplestilsken pushes us away. We can see Belle furious. Izzy sighs and leans on Simon.
"What If she doesn't wake up?"Izzy asks Simon
"She has too....unless she doesn't love the person who kisses her....or if the person doesn't love them" Emma says. "And it worked for my parents.....and Aurora....and Henry" Emma says.
"Violet kisses Henry?!"Izzy asks surprised.
"No....i kissed his forehead" Emma says. "Why did you think Violet saved him?"Emma asks.
"Oh come on all of us knew he was in love with her by just looking at him look at her" Izzy says.
"I didn't..." I say.
"Yeah neither did I" Alec says. Izzy Rolls her eyes.
"Ok I meant me And Clary....And Magnus"she says. My heart squeezes at the mention of Clary. But no one notices because I hid it. Clary would have noticed....she knows me too well.

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