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"Wait you know him...?" Snow white asks. Regina lets go of Magnus.
"Of course i do....this is Magnus Bane....high warlock of brooklyn....i met him while i was ridding with Daniel.....last time i saw him Gold was teaching me magic." Regina says.
"This is Snow White"Magnus Bane says. Then he turns to Regina for Clarrification. "Right?" He says.
"Yes....i got over my revenge" Regina says. "Just like you said i would...and i also lived to regret it" Regina mutters.
"See i told you i'm always right"Magnus says to the black haired and blue eyed boy. The blonde boy's eyes widden.
"Where's Clary"he says.
"Right...."Magnus said. "Did you do this?"Magnus asks Regina.
"No"Regina says.
"Rumplestilsken"Magnus says.
"Rumplestilsken.....the guy who is short and makes stupid deals with loop holes.....he's like a little lepricon."The brown haired boy says
"We don't have time for your mundane confusion Simon"Magnus says.
"Well thats a good guess....but judging by all the magical enemies we have it could have been anyone"Emma says.
"Well then...."Magnus says. "Why do you seem familiar?"Magnus says.
"Her names Emma Swan she's the saviour."Regina explains. "She is also snow white and Davids daughter and the mother of my son" Regina says. Magnus looks dazzed.
"Huh....i never thought i would meet someone with a more complicated family than yours and clarys, Jace." Magnus says. The boy, Jace glares at him. Then finally gets off then net.
"Magnus now is not the time......do i smell wolf?" The brown skinned girl says. The black haired boy sniffs.
"Yeah....Maia's right thats defenitley wolf" the boy says. Then looks at Ruby in the eye. Dorothy stands in front of her.
"Yeah well your gonna have to get through me first"Dorothy says.
"Don't worry Bat and I have our own secret"Says the girl Maia. Then Maia and Bat's eyes flash green. Dorothy grabs Ruby's hand and stands back.
"Listen right now i don't care who dropped us from the sky.....i need to find Clary" Jace says.
"Jace....don't worry.....she's fine.....Clary's a tough cookie" the girl who fell on me said.
"Izzy....not now"Jace said. Izzy rolled her eyes.
"I may not know much about magic....but shouldn't that have closed by now?"Belle says.
"Yes...it should have belle"Regina says.
"Henry......do you know something."Emma says. Henry shakes his head. Izzy and the boy who looks like her look at Henry mournfully.
"Oh Alec"Izzy says and leans her head into Alec.


I am still in the black hole screaming for help. Then finally light comes to me. It takes me a second to adjust then i see that im falling. And no matter what position i'm in i can't be saved. I start screaming and panicking. I start chanting in my mind. I love you Jace, I love you Jace, I love you---- my thoughts get interrupted as i spring off the floor i open my eyes. And see a net then i land in the ground on my bottom.
"Ow" i say in annoyance more than pain. I try standing up but i fall miserably. Then someone pulls me up. I open my eyes and see Jace. I exhale in relief. And jump up and hug him.
"Clary" he whispers.
"Jace"i say. Then i let him go and see a bunch of other people...and max. "Max????" I ask
"His name's Henry" Izzy says.
"Oh"i say. Then my eyes land on a man that has a hook instead of a hand. Why does he look so familiar.

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"Oh my god simon....are you serious.....Superman would totally win if he got in a fight with batman" i tell him in the phone. Then i bump into something. I fall then someone steps on my phone. "Hey!!! That was new!!" I tell the person in front of me. It's a guy with a hook.
"Sorry love...but i have to be somewhere"the guy says.
"Hey wait!!" I say but the guy was already gone.
"Asshole" i scream.

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"Hey you owe me a phone..."i blurt out at the man.
"I....I'm sorry....What?"He says confused.
"Remember that one time you called the cops because you thought I was kidnapped?" I ask Simon
"Oh yeah....Jocelyn started freaking out. You told me someone had broken your phone." Simon said.
"Yeah well anyways it's kinda hard to forget you"I said....well that came out wrong. "Since you broke my....brand new phone....and you have a hook for a hand."I say
"Right...sorry love.....I was in a hurry to get Emma's memories back" He said. I roll my eyes.
"So.....even though this talk is....exuberantly exciting.....how about we actually find out who sent us through that..."Magnus says then waves his hands into the sky "Thing..." he says.
"Well there is no need to waste your energy deary" says a voice that has a hint of wise and a hint of crazy. We all turn around. We see an old man with brown hair and a golden tooth. He has a suit on.
"Dark one"Magnus says
"Yeah....you know we have been meaning to talk to you.....why did you give Hyde the city......its not yours to give"A woman with black hair. And Black brown eyes says.
"I am so disappointed Regina....just tearing all the years of work of magic we did....tearing the evil half from your body and killing it" says the dark one.
"You did WHAT"Magnus says. "Regina your evil half is never gone....you cant just crush its heart and" Magnus dusts imaginary dust of his hands "done" he says.
"Ok....im sorry but am i the only one who dosent know what the hell you are talking about....where the hell we are....and who the hell they are?"i say frustrated.
"Your in story brooke....deary" The 'dark one' says. "I am Rumplestilsken, that is Regina,Snow White,David,Emma,Hook,Henry,red,
Dorothy and My wife" Then he was interupted.
"Ex wife....I'm Belle"She says. Well then......this is awkward.
"So we are in a town filled with story book charachters?"i say. " i seriously need a reality check" i add.
"Well that makes two of us"Emma says. She looks a lot like Emma Carstairs...except older.
"Regina we need to track your evil half down" Magnus says.
"There's no need for that Maggie"says a british type accent. A red haired girl says.
"Zelena" magnus says.
"You know my sister" Regina says. Magnus sighs.
"Yes"Magnus says.

A/N: Ok so tell me how im doing and if you like it and....give me some ideas you guys....and share the story if you like it!!!!

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