The Underworld is where it get's Intresting

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Jace POV

We arrive at the pond. Everything is red. As if there where some kind of filter. We get off the boats and go into town. It all looks destroyed. "Welcome to the underworld" Regina says. I nod.
"We need to find Clary" i say.
"Well thats not going to be hard" Emma says. "She's probably in Hades office" Emma adds.
"Alright then.....lead the way" i say
"Wait...that is too obvious" Killian says.
"They want us to find them" Izzy says. "Right?" She asks.
"Alright. But.....we should go through the's tge fastest way" Emma says. I nod. We walk towards the docs.
"So everyone here is dead?" Alec asks.
"It's everyone who has unfinished buisness. Good and Bad" Regina says. Silver catches my eye. I turn and see a horrifying view. The boy was putting a sack in a boat...doing labor.
" no" i breathe. The silver headed boy turns and see's me. His green eyes widden. He stomps this way. He grabs me by the Jacket .
"What the hell are you doing Clary with you?" Jonathan Morgenstern asks. I take my seraph blade and put it to his neck. Izzy takes her whip out and alec takes his bow and arrow. Jonathan rolls his eyes.
"I'm already dead....besides i'm not the one you have to worry about" He says. Then a boy who looks exactly like Jonathan comes out. Except his name is Sebastian. He grins maliciously.
"Well, well, well, looks like someone killed the golden boy" Sebastian says. I roll my eyes.
"I'm not dead" i say and put my seraph blade away.
"I came here for Clary" i say.
"Well your not getting her back.....she's dead" Jonathan says. I shake my head.
"The evil queen took her" i say.
"Let me help you" Jonathan begs. I look at him incredulosly. "Please....i am not Sebastian" Jonathan says. "You can trust me" He says. "I just want to help my sister" he says.
"Of course your not me....god it was absoloutley terrible being slightly controlled by you" Sebastian said. Jonathan rolled his eyes.
"Would you shut up.....for one damm moment.....seriously your stupidity Is absaloutley high" he says. I snicker at that.Earning a glare by sebastian.
"Fine you can come" i say.
"We're a package deal" Sebastian says. He reminds me of Clary. I exhale.
"Fine" i said.
"We have to....tell our manager about that....don't we Johnny" Sebastian says slaping Jonathan on the back. Jonathan glares at Sebastian.
"What the hell are you......No NO" Jonathan says. Sebastian grins.
"First time i try to be good and you don't want me to be good" Sebastian says and goes into a small building. We all follow him. He knocks on a door that has a broken boss sign on it.
"What do you want now sebastian?!" A woman says.
"Oh me and Jon want a quick break" Sebastian says
"You'll have a break when you go to hell!" The woman says.
"Im sure if you see who is with us would reconsider" Sebastian says. The door opened. Revealing a woman with golden hair and pale skin. Her jaw dropped to the ground when she saw me.
"Why are you here" she whispered.
"I'm sorry....who are you?" I ask. The woman throws herself at me and gives me a hug.
"I love you so much Son" The woman says. I pull away.
"Mother?" I ask. She has tears in her eyes. She nods and hugs me.
"Why are you here?" She asks. I smile.
"My girlfriend got kidnapped by Hades" i say. She laughs.
"Angel your just like your father....i am coming with you and helping you" she says.
"This is an amazing family reunion....but we have to hurry up" Regina says. I nod.
"Let's go" i say. We all run go to Hades iffice. We get there. It is a circular stone floor. With diffrent rivers. The evil queen is eating an apple. Zelena is rocking a baby. And Hades is reading a book. It looks so mundane. Except for the glass cofin with my girlfriend inside. She is wearing a golden dress. And golden shoes. She has white roses beneath her. And a red rose in between her hands. Hades opens the casket and sits at the end of the coffin.
"You know you could come here and kiss her lips awake" he said. He touched the flower. They all died except the rose. " i won't stop you...." he said and smiled."in fact...." he says. "I am curious if Clary even loves you" Hades says. "Or if it's just physical and the touch of forbidden you both have" Hades says. I glare at him. I walk towards the coffin discreatley. And kneel down. I stroke Clary's Face. I kiss her lips with love. I pull away. Her eyes are still closed. My heart shatters. She doesn't love me. The thought kills me.


"This has to be a trick" Killian says. I shake my head.
"Hades is testing their love" I say. "There is no trick" i whisper. Jace kisses Clary. Pity goes through me. Poor kid. She doesn't love him. I know this because i didnt feel anything.

Jace POV

"She doesn't want to leave" a voice blurts out. Zelena. I turn to her.
"What?" I ask.
"She has a choice to leave her dream world or not....kind of" she says. "She could change her mind if you ask again" she says.
"No" Hades says. I kiss Clary again. I sit next to her hips and pick her up and kiss her. So many times.i pull away and she is still asleep. I close my eyes and put her gently back.

Clarys POV

"LET ME OUT....PLEASE" I scream. My face was filled with cinder. My dress burning. I had seen Jace burn in front of me. I cry over his ashes. "HELP....SOMEONE HELP....P...PLEASE" I beg. I lean in. "I love you" i whisper to Jaces ashes. I go towards the door and try to open the door. "Come on" i whisper. Then i twist and it opens. But then a brick wall apears. I bang on the door. "Jace" i scream at the top of my lungs then i start coughing.

Jace POV

I am about to walk away when i hear clary breathe my name. But that's enough to make me turn. Then i kiss her. As passionatley as i can. I fear a burst of some sort. I try to pull away, but Clary pulls me back in. I grip her waist. Then we pull away. I get pulled off her.

Clarys POV

Jace gets pulled off me by Hades. I gasp. Everyone is frozen in place except me. I get up but then see i still have the dress. Hades has Jace above the river of lost souls."now you will never be sad" he says. I shake my head.
"You cant take him away from me" i said.
"Watch me" he says. I see him about to drop Jace into the river. I run towards him to save Jace. I trip on my dress and push Hades in. Dropping Jace. I grab Jace and Jace holds on to me. I pull him in and he pulls himself in. Then i sit up and pull him towards me. Then he pushes me to be ontop of me. I blush and he laughs softly.

A/N: Just so you know i have a new Fanfiction named New Clarissa. Just so you know... 😀

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