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I look at the quien my eyes wide. How can she just rip my heart out? The Evil Queen looks at my heart, confused. Then she laughs. "Well aren't you a little angel?" The Queen says. "Your heart is bigger than any that I have ever seen" The Queen grins. The Queen pulls the heart closer to her lips. "Kill them all" She commands seriously. The next thing I know I am walking towards Jace. I pull out his seraph blade and start swinging towards Hook. Hook holds the sword by his Hook. I kick his stomach and he doubles over.
"Sorry" I say, I keep swinging fighting him. I punch him and get close to killing him. I bite my lip trying to stop. Then a force shoots me towards the wall punching the air out of me. Emma's magic. I fall about 50 feet when another source of magic catches me. The Evil Queen. She puts me on the floor next to her. Then she changes the golden ripped dress I have to Black ripped jeans, a black tank top with a leather jacket. My hair instead of the lose curls running down my shoulders , a straight and tight ponytail .The golden heels being replaced by converse. Then the force let's go and I keep going and swinging. Regina,Emma and Magnus try to stop me with magic, everyone else try to stop me physically. The ratio is 10:1. Yet somehow I dodge everything and keep winning. Regina's fireball catches my jean on fire.
"Don't hurt her, she doesn't know what she's doing" Jace says.
"No! Do whatever you need to do to stop me!" I tell Regina.
"This is getting so boring" The Evil Queen yawns. Then she squeezes my heart and I fall to the ground. Jace then falls with me grabbing me. I gasp and bite my lip. "You know I really did like you" The Queen says. "Too bad you have to die" she says. Then she squeezes my heart. A cry of pain escapes me. I look at the Queen. She looks confused. "No" she squeezes my heart again. "No,No,No,NO!!!!" She squeezes my heart over and over. I grin even though I am feeling immense pain. I stand up and snatch my heart away from her.
"I will take that, thank you" I say and put my heart back in it's original place.
"It's time to finally end this" Regina says. Regina throws a fire ball at the Queen. The Queen shocked stumbles back and falls into the river of lost souls. I sigh in relief. "Zelena ran" Regina says. She shakes her head.
"We should get out of here before we get stuck here" Emma says.
"Wait, just give me a second" Jonathan says. "Can you leave?" Jonathan asks Sebastian. Sebastian scoffs.
"No" He says. Jonathan rolls his eyes.
"Of course not" he says. He walks towards me. He grabs my hands. "Clary, I'm sorry....i should've tried harder to control myself....i didn't want to hurt you...." he says. I cut him off and hug him.He hugs me back.
"It's not your fault, It's Valentines" I whisper.
"Still.." I cut him off.
"I forgive you" I say. He pulls away his eyes wide. "I do" I say. Then a really bright light shines behind me. I turn around and see Max and two other men. I hear Izzy escape a cry. She runs towards max with Alec on her tail and they both hug him. Max laughs and hugs them back.
"We came to get Jonathan" one of the men say. "You have finished your unfinished business Shadowhunter" the man says.
"Wait....what about me?" Sebastian asks.
"Your a different person, Sebastian, even though you where tied, you still have some work to do" the guard says. "We brought Max so you can properly say goodbye, just taking the opportunity." The guard says.
"Don't worry about me, I'm fine really, i will see you soon I promise" Max tells his siblings. "I have my own house and Clary's sister takes care of me, and she took me to the comic book store" Max says. My head snaps towards max.
"My what?" I ask.
"Your sister, twin sister to be exact, she was miscarried" Max says. Right on que a girl that looks exactly like me walks out of the light.
"There you are max, angel what did I tell you, I told you you can't just come down to earth with the guards!" She scolds. My jaw falls to the ground. She walks towards max. Then she looks at me and we stare at each other. "Your Clary?" The girl asks. I nod. She smiles. "I'm Valery." She says. "I have been looking down on you....and you're really cool Clary" she says. Then she shakes her head. "Anyways we have to go. Remember Gabriel and Cecily are waiting for us" she says. She picks max up. Then she grabs Jonathan's hand. "C'mon Let's go" She says as she drags Jonathan into the light. The guards smile and walk back into the light. Then the portal thing closes. Sebastian rolls his eyes and walks out of Hades office. I turn around and look at everyone my eyes wide. Izzy and Magnus have tears running down their cheeks. Jace's jaw is on the ground.
"Ok then" Emma says. "We...will wait for you in the story Brooke sign." She says. Then Hook, her and Regina walk away.
"Umm....we'll follow" Izzy says. She, Simon, Magnus and. Alec walk out of Hades office. The blonde woman I saw came up to me.
"So you're Clary." She says And smiles.
"Yeah" I say. She tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Promise me You will take care of my son for me" She says. I look at her confused. Then I notice her golden eyes. Jace.
"Oh, I umm, yes.....i will" I say and smile.
"Your father would have loved to meet you Jace" Celine says. "But You need to go....I don't want you stuck here" Celine says. Jace shakes his head.
"No i need to see him" Jace says.Celine sighs.
"Alright" She says. We walk out of the office. We go back to the docs. Celine gets on a boat and we follow her. She goes to where the wheel is. I see a blonde man facing the sea. "Stephen" Celine says. Stephen turns around. His eyes go to Jace.
"What are you doing here?" Stephen asks Jace.
"I came here to rescue my girlfriend from Hades" Jace says. My heart jumps when he says girlfriend.
"Jocelyn's daughter" he says. Stephen hugs Jace. Jace hugs him back. "I love you son, and we are both so sorry for leaving you" Stephen says.
"We love you Jace" Celine says.
"I love you too, and I forgive you" Jace says. I bite my lip to keep the tears out. The same light that took Jonathan shined. The same guards come out.
"You finally did it, Celine and Stephen Herondale" one of the guard says. Celine's jaw drops. A tear runs down her cheek. She hugs Jace and so does Stephen.
"We love you Jace" they both say.
"We'll see you in heaven,son" he says. The guard pats his shoulder.
"It's time" the guard says. Stephen nods. Celine kisses Jace's cheek.
"We love you Jace.....and we are so proud of you" she says. Then Celine and Stephen walk into the light. Then the light vanishes. I see tears in Jace's eyes. I bite my lip. This is the first time I have ever seen Jace cry....or about to cry. I Pat his shoulder.
"Even though I just met them. It's nice to have closure" he says. I nod. We both walk towards the story Brooke sign, ready to get back to the real world.

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