Magnus,Regina,Zelena....Anymore surprises?

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Clarys POV

I lool at Alec and he looks sane. But i can tell he is freaking out inside. " said you could explain what's going on.....please explain" Magnus says.
"Well...wouldn't that be lovely and easy for you" Zelena says as she walks towards Magnus.
"Your still against Regina....aren't you" Magnus says unimpressed.
" Oh at the moment yes" she says.
"Sisters" Magnus mummbles.
"Tell me about it"Emma says. We all look at her. "What....even if we don't have a sister have you seen these offense" Emma says.
"Non taken....and what are you implying?" Regina asks.
"Uh...the fact that Zelena is the mother of the child of the man you loved" Emma exclaims.
"Only you too"Magnus sighs.
"Who knew fairy tale characters where so....dramatic" Simon whispers. I smile.
" Just tell us Zelena" Magnus says.
"Aww but why would i help you" Zelena says. I am getting irritated.
"What do you want" I ask frustrated. God it's like trying to make a baby stop crying i think to myself.
"Fiesty aren't we" Zelena says.
"Listen buckle shoes" Izzy says. "We don't have time for either you tell us who the hell brought us here ar me and Clary will kick your ass" Izzy says.
"Cute" zelena snorts. She comes closer to Izzy and tucks a strand of hair back. "Sadly your not the one she wants" Zelena says.Izzy grips zelena's hand and pulls it away slowly.
" Then tell us who she is" Izzy said.
"Hmh....." She says and then she looks at me for a minute. Then she smiles. "You are exactly what we are looking for"Zelena says. I frown at her. Then se disapears in a cloud of green smoke.
"What the hell is she going to do?" Emma asks.
"I don't know but we need steles and Seraph blades."I say and look at Magnus.
"We're in another dimension biscuit...i can't just pop things here"Magnus says. I sigh.
"Seraph blades......swords?" David asks.
"Sure"I say. The next thing i know a sword is flying at me. I grab it quickly before it hits the ground. "This is heavy" I say. And drop it.
" Your not going anywhere" Jace says.
"What???"I ask
"I am not letting anyone get to you"Jace says.
"Jace....we've gone to hell and back....i'll be fine" i say.
"I'm not taking that chance" Jace said. I sigh. I take the sword and start walking.
"Where are you going love" Hook says. I look at everyone.
"To find a hotel.....judging by everything....we're gonna be here for a long time. I say. Then i walk towards a sign that says Granny's. It says it has rooms. I go inside and see nore people. Then a short man with a beard comes up to me.
"Who are you" He says coldly.
"Oh shut it grumpy i say then walk towards an old lady thats working at the bar. "Hey do you know if i could get.....3 rooms"I ask. She smiles at me.
"Sure" she says and walks away. Then Everyone comes in.
" Clary... what are you doing?" Jace asks.
"Oh relax...I'm just getting some rooms" i say and roll my eyes
"Here are the keys" the old lady says. I smile at her.
"Thank you" I tell her.She smiles,she's about to leave but I stop her. " Hey...i never got your name" i say. She smiles.
" you can call me Granny" she says and walks away.
" well if we're going to find out who is behind all of this....we need to be I am going to bed" Magnus says as he takes one of the keys away from me.Alec follows him. Then Izzy does the same.Simon follows.I look at Jace.
" I'm keeping the key" I say and walk to our room knowing Jace is following.

Belle's POV

We're all at the library. "Can we even trust them?" Emma asks. "They just fell out off the damm sky" Emma continues.
"If Magnus Bane trusts them I trust them....and you should trust me therefor trusting them" Regina says. Henry is writing something down on a pice of paper.
"Emma's right...we can't just trust anyone" Hook says.
" Shadows are loyal and most of the time good....but we don't know who they are loyal too" Rumple says.
" actually....Mom's right..." we all look at him. He looks up and rolls his eyes. " Regina's right" he says. "I managed to summarize one of their stories." Henry says.
" you can do that?" Snow asks. Henry nods.
" Clarissa Adel Morgenstern Fray Fairchild. Daughter of Jocelyn Fairchild and Valentine Morgenstern step daughter of Lucian Garroway. Valentine Morgenstern is the worst shadow hunter that had ever existed. He believed in massive destruction and death and Chaos." Henry says.
" see I told you we can't trust them." Emma says.
" Her brother Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern known as Sebastian took over his fathers plan. Valentine had injected greater demon blood into his system when he was a child making him an experiment. Sebastian also wanted Chaos but he wanted his sister ruling by his side" Henry y said.
" Emma's right....we can't trust them" Snow said.
"Lucian Garroway is the most trusted lycanthrope in the shadow world. Clary views him as more of a father than she did with Valentine. Clarissa Fray is also a close friend with one of the most elite and good shadow hunter family of all the Lightwoods. She and Her boyfriend Jonathan Christopher Herondale known as Jace where part of one of the experiments Valentine did. He injected angel blood making clary have the ability to make runes. Jace is also one of the most loving Fair and the top most elite shadow hunter family which is the Herondale. Clary Fray And Jace Herondale are the best fighters the shadow world has." Henry finishes and looks up. " we can trust them." He says. We all smile at Henry.

Clary's POV

I open my eyes and see Jace with his eyes closed sleeping peacefully as I am in his arms. We had fought a lot last night. But we eventually got over it.

Jace was seriously annoying me. How can he still think I'm some random mundane girl that cant fight. " I am not letting you fight and that's final" he said. God he sounded like my damm mother. Then something inside me snapped.
"That's it....get what's yours and get out" i said. He looked a little shocked but u was mad. The next thing I knew he picked me up and went outside.Then he dropped me outside the door. Now i was shocked. Then i kissed him.

I smile at the corny memory. Jace opens his eyes. " good morning beautiful" he said I grinned and kissed his cheek. He pulled me closer to him. Then the door slams open I jump and land in Jace's lap. Looking at who had scared me into jumping into his lap.

A/n: hey I think there was a glitch or something so I just kind of had to rewrite this....sorry.

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