Sleeping Angel

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Then the door slams open I jump and land in Jace's lap. Looking at who had scared me into jumping into his lap.

"We have a lot of stuff to do....tracking fighting....Killing...So get up and get dressed.....Clary.....get off of Jace's Lap" Izzy says as she walks in and starts pulling out clothes from shopping bags and folding them into a drawer. I get off Jace just as Izzy throws clothes at me and Jace. "Come on get dressed....we're meeting the....ummm...Fairytale characters I guess....whatever we are meeting them at the hurry up" Izzy says. Jace smirks at Izzy and puts his shirt on. I glare at Izzy and walk into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and Start changing into my clothes. I'm wearing a gray tight crop top with light blue jeans, white tennis shoes and a dark red jacket.

Clary's Outfit

Clary's Outfit

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I walk out of the bathroom and see Jace and Izzy. Jace has a black t-shirt and a leather Jacket and black pants.

 Jace has a black t-shirt and a leather Jacket and black pants

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We all go to the Dinner and see everyone. Alec, Magnus,Simon,Maia,Jordan, Snow,David,Red,Dorothy,Regina,Belle,Rumplestilsken,Henry and a young girl with black hair and brown eyes. She looks like what I would think Izzy would look like. " Who's this?" I ask

" This is Violate" Henry says. I smile. I see that look in his eye.the look I have seen Jace have when he looks at me. He love's her. I think to myself

"Ok... Magnus let's go to Main Street and see if we can figure out who's magic made the black hole" Regina says.

" Actually.....I remembered this book that shows the millions of types of black holes there are.....I just need you to explain what you saw" Belle says.

"Well....I remember....It was a big was black. Then it started...chasing it's own tail faster. Then the Black hole appeared and then these....tentacles...dragged us into the hole" I said. Belle started turning papers.

"The hole is called the Black snake....To make it you need....Black snakes eye from Never land...The tigers eye from Agrabah...A drop of water from the river of lost souls...A human heart...and a lock of hair of a fairy...."Belle says.

"Those are all here....In my vault....but it's sealed with blood magic.....Zelena" Regina says.

"Or your evil half" Rumplestilsken says

"What....No" Regina says. "My evil half is dead...I crushed her heart" Regina says.

" Regina....there are few ways to stop your evil half...You can kill yourself to kill her...trap her in a a a mirror.... there is only one way you can kill your evil half....It's with a sword....but...judging by how many worlds, lands and dimensions there are....Lilith knows where it is" Magnus says.

"Ok.....So...wait...if blood Magic...which I'm guessing is a lock that only your blood can break" I say. They all nod.I smile and take my stele out. "Then maybe tracking will also work.....Give me something that is yours" I say. Regina gives me a golden necklace.I smile and draw the tracking rune in my hand then I clutch my hands and close my eyes. I see a looks like it's in the middle of some type of field. It has a cellar door. Then I can see inside.I see Zelena holding a child sitting on a chair and an evil type of regina. Regina then looks towards my direction.

"Don't find me.....because if you do..." She says then stabs an apple that was next to her."That will be you"She says. I gasp and open my eyes. The necklace falls to the ground. They all look at me.

"I saw a the middle of a....field....Zelena was holding a baby and..." I trail off

" That's Zelena's house" Regina says confused. "You must be wrong....My evil half can't be that stupid..." Regina says.

"well..." I whisper. "She's not that stupid...." I mumble tucking my hair behind my ear. Then I look up. "We should now" I say and walk out of granny's. I run down the stairs.everyone else behind me. Then a purple smoke comes up and I come face to face with the evil queen.

"I told you what would happen if you didn't hold your tongue" She said. The evil queen then swinged her hand I looked behind me they where there frozen.

"What the hell did you do?" Jace growled.

"She immobilized us..."Regina says. I look back toward the queen.Then she grabbed my arm and twisted it. I gasp and try to pull it out of her grasp. Then I kick her in the stomach and she lets go and gasps. She frowns.

"Alright then" She says.She took out a sowing needle. I looked at her confused. She grabbed my arm and turned it around so that my palm was facing up. She did that in a second.I tried to free myself again but she pricked my index finger with the needle.Then she let go and has a grin on her face.I look down at my hand. My finger is bleeding.Then the next thing I know everything goes black.

Jace POV

I see Clary collapse to the floor. I start panicking. Is she dead. did the queen poison her. is she ok? "What the hell did you do?" I say. The evil queen smiles and looks at clary.

"You know she looks prettier when she's unconscious" The evil queen says. Then she Magically lifts Clary off the floor. Her hair is flowing like water when you gently shake it. Her green eyes are closed she is lying on her back.

"Why are you doing this?"Snow White asks. The queen smiles at Snow.

"I have always loved scavenger hunts" The Evil Queen says. "I also want you to go back to hell....And just like last time Hades will be waiting" The Queen says then she and Clary disapear in a purple smoke. I can finally move.

"What the hell was that?" I ask.

"She put Clary in a sleeping curse" Emma says.

"All curses can be broken"Magnus says.

"I only know of one way" Regina says.

" Well how do you wake her up?" I ask.

"True love's kiss"Snow White says.

"Are you serious?" Simon asks. Snow White nods.

"What did she mean by'Hell'?" Izzy asks.

"She means the Underworld" Hook says. "It's where people go who have unfinished business there" He says.

"But we destroyed Hades" Regina says.

"Yeah well somehow the Evil queen revived him." Emma says.

"Ok so how do we get to the underworld?" I ask. They all look at me.

A/N: Ok so I uploaded this November 20. I just wanted to let you know I won't be uploading to this story daily....But it will be constant until the story ends. I have two more Clace stories that I am working on. But I don't have any Once upon a time fan fictions (sorry). Anyways if you are bored you can go and read my other stories "It's a boy girl thing (Clace style)" And "Cinderclary" Anyways that's it....bye

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