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Cruising down the thin, crackly stretch of back road on the way to your former teacher's house, you continue blasting your favorite soundtrack and terribly singing along.
Glancing around, you notice the sky getting continuously darker until you hear a familiar crack of thunder.
"FUCK. I didn't even bring an umbrella!" You yell, a look of complete anger and aggregation on your recently makeup clad face.
Sighing as you look into the heavy tree line, you begin to see a beautiful mansion to your right.
"Wow, what's that" you mumble as you marvelously stare into the distant household. Awestruck, you fail to notice a pothole a few feet in front of you until you feel a slight crack and puff of air.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK" you scream to yourself as the gentle pitter patter of rain begins to assault your windshield.
You immediately hit the brakes and feel an unsettling dip in your car as you stop.
Stepping out into the dreary weather, you immediately notice your left front tire is completely flat.
"FUCKKKK" you whisper as you rub your forehead and head back into the front seat to grab your phone.
*well, at least I can probably get a tow truck here in an hour* you think as you pick up your phone.
"No reception?!?" You yell into the woods. Ugh. This day really was not going to be a good day. As you begin to cry, you remember the beautiful castle that caused the whole incident.
*maybe I can just go in and ask to use the phone to call someone* you tell yourself.
"Yeah. Yeah, they'll totally let me use their phone! They have to have some kind of wifi or network that works here!" You confidently assure yourself. Just as you finish your pep talk, the soft bit of rain becomes heavy on the glass.
"Well it's now or never!" You sarcastically exclaim as you fast walk with your high heels up the set of stairs that lead to the gigantic mansion.

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