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Hurriedly clicking your heels and silently cussing as you run up the crackled cement, you finally find a breach in the rain under the shelter above the door.
Knocking strongly on frame, you instinctively step back from the doorway. You begin to fear that no one is home as the seconds tick by. As you prepare to knock again, the wooden door slightly creaks open as a ghastly figure appears at the opening.
With skin as pale as winter snow and patchy blonde hair, you begin to feel the slightest twinge of fear as you notice a prominent hunch on his back. Dressed in an all black suit, he scarcely mumbles "hello".
Taken aback and at a complete loss for words from the still frightening figure in front of you, you begin to stumble aimlessly to find the words.
"H-Hi I um. I- my car. It's- broken. It's broken down. Well not broken. The t- it's flat. The tire-" I take a pause. Catching my breath and collecting myself, I manage a quick "can I use your phone?"
"You're wet" I hear his monotone voice interject.
"Yes it's raining pretty hard out here" you suspiciously answer, wondering why he would ask such an obvious question given the current weather conditions.
"Yes... I think you'd better come inside" he gestures to a dark, musty hallway as he opens the door completely.
"Oh um thank you that's too kind" you politefully thank him as you cross the threshold into the cold home.
Your eyes immediately catch sight of endless cobwebs hanging about the beams and corners of the ceiling, dancing in the glimmering moonlight. If you weren't so terrified you would have called it beautiful. Your eyes come upon endless vintage furniture and antiques, slightly musty and damp from the moist air.
*what an odd interior for such a beautiful mansion. It looks like it's a hoarders home* you think as you begin to take small steps.
"This way" you jump as you hear the familiar voice behind you, leading you to a room where you hear distant, loud voices.
"Is there a party here?" You question, becoming more nervous as the volume increases the more you walk towards the door.
"You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs." He says, still sounding completely uninterested in anything happening.
"Oh, lucky him!" You add, hoping the conversation will soon end as you search for a phone or cord.
Suddenly, you see something move out of the corner of your eye as you catch a glimpse of black and white from the stairway.
"You're lucky, he's lucky, I'm lucky, we're all lucky ha ha ha" you hear a scratchy deep voice boom from behind you. You immediately take in her odd appearance. Wild and untamed hair almost teased completely to every side, pale face with deeply dark eye makeup with a lip color nearly the same as yours. You begin to get very suspicious as you remember the dream you had last night almost in repeat right in front of you.
*theres no way this is actually happening* you gasp as you pinch yourself hoping to wake up.
You quickly slap your cheek and wince from the slight pain and can feel a redness growing on your right cheek.
"Is this real?" You look towards the servants you know purely from your favorite movie.
They both look towards each other and smile as the blonde man begins to sing, "it's astounding..."
You know which part comes next, but it's left to your imagination as you immediately pass out.
You awake suddenly after being caught in a pair of strong arms attached to a seductive maids outfit. You dizzily look up to see an entire room of odd people dressed in suits dancing to a way too familiar beat.
*theres no way... it can't be...* you think as you once again lose consciousness.
Awakening again to a familiar screeching voice, you open your eyes slightly again, not fully trusting your senses as your eyes are flooded by bright, multicolored sequins as you see a young woman tap dancing across the floor. Luckily, you were simply laid on the floor this time as the whole room leaves notice of you.
Somehow trusting your still shaking legs, you manage to pick yourself from the soft red stairs and back step to the door, trying to draw as little attention as possible to yourself. Hearing the ending of the song and the eclectic thuds of various bodies hitting the ground, you reach the top step and silently observe the scene before you.
"So... do any of you have a phone" you politefully smile as you look down at the group of dancers slowly getting up and staring at you with confusion.
*I'm getting out of here* you say to yourself, still fake smiling, as you continue to face the crowd and step further backwards, not noticing the faint clicking of heels from a distance.
Continuing your escape plan, you don't look back until you clumsily stumble into the soft, yet strong presence behind you.
As you turn around to mutter a quick apology, your mouth soon drops open, completely in awe and shock at the frightening, yet alluring sight before you.
"Well, darling, you must be new here"


Guess who the frightening yet alluring figure is haha I'll update tonight!

PS: sorry if I mention passing out a lot... I really do faint all the time and it's how I'd react Bc I have no self control cool see ya tonight

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