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Before you leave, you decide to take full advantage of the makeup riddled vanity to fix your makeup. All of the crying, sweating, and wear from the previous day has clearly shown on your face, as you notice little black clouded streaks and flakes of mascara along your cheekbones.
You quickly apply foundation and powder, and decide to go for a cute look. You try a double winged cat eye and bright pink lipstick.
"Perfect!" You exclaim as you hear a knock at the door.
A tiny red headed girl enters, sequin clad body sparkling as she practically taps in to see you.
"Well hiya there honey! What's your name?" She enthusiastically asks, eyes sparkling as she sits down next to you.
You reply with your name and ask what her name is.
"I'm Columbia. I'm one if Frankie's girls! You must be too!" She giggles, as she notices the sheets and old clothes in a mess on the bed.
"Well, how was it?" She asks, surprisingly eager to hear how your night went.
You were never good at this. When your friends in high school would describe their crazy escapades, you always kept to the side, never too keen in revealing your private life (not to mention your lack of stories).
"Well... I'm, Frank sure knows his stuff!" You reply somewhat shakily, nor exactly sure if you put the words in place correctly.
"Aw! I wish I could go back to my first time! It changes ya! You'll never want to go to anyone else now!" She dreamily looks off into the distance as she begins to play with your hair.
"Wait, so you... do things... with him too?" You ask, trying not to sound nosy and jealous.
"Well yeah! I've been his play thing for years! Whoever comes through that door he tries to bed!" She enthusiastically adds as she gets up and brings over a sparkly bottle of nail polish from the vanity.
You look down, disappointed, as you realize that frank probably said what he said to get into your pants.
*God, how could I be so stupid!* you scold yourself, mentally biting your stupidity and lack of judgement in the past hours.
"Oh." Is all you can reply to keep from crying.
Columbia sits down and grabs your right hand, as she screws open the bottle, gently gripping your palm as she begins painting your nails and asking you questions.
"How old are you, hon?"
"Ahhhh you're a young one to be all the way out here with no way to go"
"Yeah, my car had a flat tire, and I haven't been able to call someone to help me yet."
"Yeah, there's almost no reception out here! It's crazy! Do you go to school?"
"Yeah, I'm in college!"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No," you laugh with the end of the word.
"Oh... sorry, do you have a girlfriend?"
"Oh! No haha, I just never seem to get a guy which is why I was laughing!"
"Hah!" She laughs as she finishes painting the last nail, stepping back to admire her holographic craftsmanship as she looks at you for approval.
"Wow! It's wonderful!" You exclaim.
She looks pleased at your admiration, and she soon gets up and leaves you to yourself.
You're happy you actually have a friend here, even though she may be flighty.
You decide to continue your plans of exploring the castle as you head out the door.
You walk through the maroon hallways as you take mental notes of the various rooms strewn about.
As you turn the corner, you bump into none other than Frank, dressed in his same lab coat with a pair of pink gloves on.
"Ope" you unconsciously mumble as you lose your footing and begin to trip, putting your hands out in front of you to catch yourself and closing your eyes; however, you feel no pain, as you're lifted back into the air by his strong arms.
"Falling for me already, darling?" He smirks as he releases a deep laugh.
You try your best to hide your disappointment from the revelations of your previous conversation, but fail as his smile turns to a frown as he reads your eyes.
"What's wrong, honey?" He props his elbow on the wall to look down at you, as you try to think of a lame excuse to get out of here.
"Um... nothing really. I just can't seem to find a phone that works." You casually lie, hoping you might actually accomplish something with your small fib.
"Oh, honey, the lines are going to be down for at least another day. Did you see the storm last night?" He asks.
"No, I guess I wasn't paying attention."
"Well, you were probably focused on something else entirely." He winks.
"What are you working on in the lab?"
"Oh, it's a surprise! I'll show you all tonight! But in the meantime, take a nap my deary. I have much more in store for us tonight!" He adds, practically skipping back around the corner as he places a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You close your eyes and release a sigh. You wish you hadn't been told what Columbia told you. You try to hold back your emotions, but fail. You put your face into your hands and inhale deeply as you try to get rid of your feelings for him.
You know it's impossible, no matter how hard you try.
You gratefully head back to Franks room to take a nap, thankful for the opportunity to shut out the world and what you're feeling with some quality dreaming.
*How could I be so stupid* you murmur to yourself as the last thought that floats in your head before sleep consists of trying to forget the feelings you have for the man that probably doesn't love you back.

***hi guys this chapter makes me kinda sad Bc don't we all want to be with him?
Side note I'm gonna be super busy with exams this next week and a half because it's FINALS TIME. It's the worst time y'all but I'm thriving

Love you ❤️***

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