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***Hey guys problematic fav here!
I'll be updating tonight don't worry! I had crazy exams these past few days and had to study bc unlike my character here I don't want a D. *dodges more thrown fruit*
Sorry for being away and thanks for the love and feedback!***

You are rudely awakened by another loud crash of thunder and you scream as you wake from your nightmare. You don't exactly remember what happened, but you saw a bolt of lightning hit Frank and you screamed, apparently waking yourself up in the process.
You look outside and see the lightning and thunder crash across the sky. Silently laughing to yourself as you notice the source of the noise and the end of your sleep, your head soon jerks as you look towards the door of the room.
The wooden door swings open as you see Frank's black curls creep around the edge.
"Baby, are you alright?" He asks.
"Yeah, just a nightmare," you add, still shaken.
"Alright, well tell me if you need anything, darling," he quips as he begins to leave again.
You're not sure why you yelled, and why he hasn't left you yet.
"Stay with me?" You ask in a childish whisper.
"Oh, honey, you know I have work to do," he adds as he struts towards your bed and cradles his legs on the edge of the mattress.
You can't help it, he looks so irresistible. Jumping over him, you begin to massage his nether regions and feel his immediate response.
"But I have work to do here" you add with a devilish grin as you begin to undress him. He immediately turns his confused furrow into a similar smile, as he begins to twist his fingers in your hair.
You soon slip your hand into his underwear and take hold of his member, which causes him to release a groan you didn't know he had been holding.
"Teach me." You whisper into his ear.
He looks into your eyes as he grabs your wrist and begins to guide your hand up and down his shaft. He releases a series of hisses, barely keeping it together as you stroke him up and down with a rhythm. He lets his head fall back as you flick your finger over the tip and swirl the oozing bits of fluid around. He is already so distracted, he is unaware that you have begun to change positions. Your mouth is practically hovering over him as you make a clicking noise to gain his attention. When he looks at the position you are about to be in, he can't help but release an animalistic groan.
His eyelids flicker as you begin to take him into your mouth, using a slight suction to increase his pleasure. It is then that you feel both of his hands full entwined in your hair, encouraging you as you bob up and down. He stiffens with tension as you reach up to massage his testicles, and releases a similar hiss.
"Oh... God... I'm so... close..." he manages to pant out as you can tell that he is right on the edge. He screams your name as you begin to feel him pulsing in your cheeks, filling your mouth with a sticky, salty taste. Not sure what to do, you immediately swallow and look into his eyes. His eyes have darkened with lust as he finishes coming down from his high.
"Baby, did you take all of me?" He questions, obviously taken back slightly.
"Uhhhh, yes Frank." You answer somewhat scared, not exactly sure what his reaction is.
He soon dismisses your worries as he swings to pick you up in a big hug, putting all his weight on you and tickling you.
He immediately takes you into another bear hug as you're both laying down on the bed together, cuddling.
"So I see you're feeling better?" He questions with a grin as he gently looks towards your head.
"I am now," you smile back.
"Ugh, you complete me, darling" he adds as he looks down, slightly saddened.
"What's wrong?" You ask, voice full of concern.
"This may seem like a lot, but I love you, and I've been wanting to ask you this since you've arrived..."
"Would you like to stay here?"
You look into his eyes, confused, "I thought I have already stayed here!" You add with a giggle, until you realize his intentions. "Oh, you mean forever." You look down, filled with a tough decision.
"I know you have your schooling, family, and whatever you earthlings do, but I promise to take care of you." He adds, looking deep into your eyes.
You think for a few seconds before a grin comes upon your face.
"Of course." You whisper.
He immediately puts his forehead to yours as he gives you a chaste kiss, and tears start to form in your eyes.
He immediately starts rummaging through his pockets as he takes out a rose gold ring with an onyx stone.
"Now, I know you earthlings have your traditions, darling, so I wanted to start off on the right foot." He grins towards you as he shuffles off the bed and gets down on one knee.
"Oh my gosh, frank! How did you even get that? And how did you know onyx is my favorite?" You surprisingly ask.
"I've had it in case I fell for someone on a mission, and I've had it in my pocket ever since we had dinner." He replied. "But I had no idea it was your favorite, but I am a strong believer in fate and soulmates."
You are in shock as you gleefully look into him for what seems like hours.
"So I take it that it's a yes?" He asks with a devilish grin.
"Oh, yes! Frank yes! Yes yes yes!" You giddily jump up and down as he rises from his knee and takes you into his arms. He gently slides the ring on your left hand, and you release a tear.
"I told you, I've never felt this way. About anyone. I'm never going to lose it, or you." He begins peppering kisses on your cheeks, burying your tear tracks under his kisses.
"Oh, Frank! I love you so much!" You grin as you begin to think of dresses.
"Well, I think it's time for a celebration, should we tell the others?"



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*** yeah bish it's cuffing season! This is the closest I've been to a relationship yay go me!***

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