"I'm ready"

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*****YALL I FINALLY FUCKIN WROTE THAT SHIT. Ugh I'm actually really proud of myself for writing this. You for real got a virgin to write a sex scene for you how bout that. Bless up. ''Tis the season of giving so enjoy and please please please let me know how you like it (or if you don't I'm a somewhat strong human). Either way enjoy lovelies 🖤)*****

You can manage to sleep for only a few minutes, still kept up from your experience. You toss, turn, and squirm for about a half hour before Frank begins to get the idea that you can't go to sleep.
"Still a little riled up, are we now?" Frank says, giving your upper thigh a squeeze. You can practically feel him still smiling with victory as you turn around to face him. His hand begins to snake inward as you swat it away, still sensitive from your deviant activities.
"How about your turn?" I ask as I smirk and look deep into his eyes.
He closes his eyes and inhales dramatically and then releases an exhale. He is distracted with his eyes closed, so I decide to give him a surprise.
Eyes still closed, he begins, "oh darling, that would hardly b-" as I quickly straddle him and begin to massage his hard lump again, this time underneath his panties. The skin to skin contact immediately cuts him off mid sentence, his eyes wide in shock as his face makes a slight "O" shape, clearly surprised at my leading.
"I'm sorry, what would be hard?" You playfully smile as you grasp onto his thick shaft to send him into a frenzy. He would smile, but he's too busy trying to keep himself from going over the edge, clearly struggling to maintain a calm demeanor.
You then begin to massage his sensitive skin, and a small, yet visible, droplet of sweat rolls down the tip of a damp curl on his forehead.
"What's wrong baby? Is something bothering you?" You tease, clearly getting him riled.
With incredible strength, he manages to push you off onto the other side of the bed and then pounce onto you.
You laugh at his unusual idea to stop you from making him release himself, yet you begin kissing him again.
As your kisses deepen, you both become aware of how aroused you are.
"Darling, I need you" Frank says, his eyes full of mixed emotions of want, love, and necessity.
"I don't know what to do." You answer disappointedly as you look down, not looking at anything, just looking off into somewhere to avoid his gaze.
"Listen to me. Do you want to do this?" He asks, concerned.
"Yes, I just don't know how." It is then you look into his eyes, displaying nothing but pure honesty and fear.
"I know you're scared, but if you trust me, I'll help you through it. Do your u trust me?" He focuses deep into my eyes.
"Yes." You reply, looking back for reassurance.
"Alright then, deary. Don't be afraid, I've got you. Remember, don't think, feel."
He says as he once again slowly grabs the lacy lining of your panties and pulls them lower. He then takes the completely off the rest of your legs, and you immediately cover yourself at your loss of clothes thing and sudden contact with nothing. You notice him smile as he steps out of the bed, and smoothly takes off his underwear, releasing his long, hard member.
*shit this is gonna hurt* you think, not sure if it is wise to have something so big for your first time, but he soon notices your discomfort.
"Don't worry darling, it will only hurt for a little while, and then you will discover a new kind of luxury." He finished with a smile and begins climbing over the bed to where you are.
"Well, I do suggest getting you warmed up though, I don't want you to be too pained."
He says as he has both hands by the side of yours, his entire body hovering over yours.
"What do you mean?" You question, clearly concerned and confused.
"Darling, close your eyes." He says.
"Close them. You're thinking too much again. You won't enjoy anything until you feel for once."
As he looks into your eyes and raises his eyebrow, he patiently waits until you completely close your eyes.
He begins the same cycle of kissing you, and giving attention to every part of your body; however, he seems to take a different route as you feel his finger begin to gently poke at your entrance. He teases you for a bit, slightly poking and sliding the top of his finger in, until he suddenly gives the entire length of his finger in.
You gasp, feeling discomfort and slight pain and wince as you feel the finger slide out.
You notice a tear inescapably run down your face and you quickly wipe it away, hoping he didn't notice.
Your hopes are dismissed as he frowns and kisses where the tear track was, as he whispers, "baby, baby, it'll all be better soon. Just keep going, ok?" You nod, face still wincing in pain, as he slips another finger again. More discomfort.
*Oh God, this isn't fun at all* you think as you release another whimper and he looks down at you, face full of guilt.
Just as you are about to tell him to stop, he suddenly rubs your bundle of nerves with his thumb, and the friction you feel suddenly fades as pain and begins to build into a somewhat more comfortable type of pressure. He notices your face ease of its previous tension, and smiles as he adds a final finger to your body. He decides your body is somewhat ready as he quickly fills his fingers out and gives you more deep kisses.
He suddenly paused the kissing, and stood on his elbows over her in a plank position.
"Do you trust me, (y/n)?" He asks, his time serious, yet sincere.
"Yes. Yes, frank, I do." You answer.
"Tell me when you're ready." He states, centering himself on you, clearly holding back his instincts to take you on the spot.
You gently nod, eyes closed, as you say, "I'm read."
He gently pulls your hips forward as he begins to slide inwards, biting his lip as the expected barrier gave him pause.
You whimper in discomfort at your body's resistance, and you again feel tears of pain sliding down your face as you look away from him, too embarrassed to look into his eyes.
"I know you're hurting, what should I do, baby?" He whispers, hurt by your obvious pain, as he wanted nothing but pleasure for you, he knows that the pain must come before the pleasure will.
He begins kneading the muscles on your lower back, his voice soothing as you gather your strength.
"Okay, I'm ready. Hurry..."
he deeply inhales as he looks into your eyes, as his fill with pride, and he grips you hips strongly. He presses your hips downward to meet his thriving member, forcefully breaking the barrier between you with a gasp. You release a cry of pain as you feel your flesh release, and the once painful pressure gives way to a more comfortable feeling, and your body sinks down as you stretch to envelop him fully.
You release a long awaited gasp as her muscles began to relax, growing accustomed to the feel of him.
After a few thrusts you begin feeling comfortable, glad your body had finally accepted the man with gleaming eyes in front of you.
Finally, you feel comfortable enough to life your hips to meet him in a thrust, and he looks into your eyes with his white teeth gleaming in a big smile.
"That's it love, come to me..." he smiles as you meet his every thrust, deepening him as your body begs for more.
You feel close, and you know your release will bring him with you.
"Frank, Leo going. Kiss me..." you murmur, taking his black curls in your fingers and bringing his lips to yours.
"So... beautiful... so... gentle... oh dear..." he mumbles between kisses, becoming aware of your near release.
You again hold on, not sure why you are suddenly afraid.
"Darling let go... let go... he whispers in your ear, as the vibrations and overstimulation sends you over the edge. Feeling your body tighten, you breathe out his name endlessly, focused on the euphoria you're experiencing.
Your taut muscles send him over, his release strong as he calls your name into the darkness.
Breathless, you both come down from your high, as you repeat "Frank... Frank" in your afterglow that radiates from your entire body.
He soon picks you up and brings you to his chest, as he places your head on a pillow and follows behind you. Knowing you're completely exhausted, he leaves the bed to bring you a new pair of underwear and a t-shirt. You breathe heavily, and suddenly become aware of a puddle of red where you once lay.
"Frank! Don't turn around yet!" You yell, voice full of panic. You attempt to sit up, but you suddenly realize how sore you are.
"What's wrong?!?" Frank quickly answers, voice full of panic as well as you sound in pain. It is then that he realizes the sight before him.
You are straining to bring yourself up as you try to cover the stain of red on the sheets of where you once were. You look down though and realize it is useless, as you are still slightly bleeding. Feeling guilty for ruining his sheets, you immediately start bawling as you cover your face in your hands.
"I'm... so sorry... Frank!" You manage to squeak out.
Instantly he's running towards you, soothingly whispering, "It's alright darling. Really, baby, it's alright."
His heart breaks at your embarrassment.
He suddenly scoops you up, still naked, and runs with you to the door.
He then begins his climb up the stairs, holding you close to his chest, as he takes you to an unfamiliar hallway on the floor above you. He walks down the hallway cradling you, as he manages to unlock the door to a room at the end of the hall.
He then kicks open the door and you realize he has taken you to his room.
You eyes are distracted by the large window on the far side of the room, glancing upon the stars and moon gleaming in the dark. There are lightweight, white curtains on both sides, dancing lightly from the slightly ajar window. The floor is dark wood, with a shiny polish glistening in the moonlight. There is a fireplace, with blue couches and chairs near, as well as a bookshelf full of endless classics. The bed is furnished with the same wood as the floor, and is complete with a fluffy looking mattress. The comforter is a deep violet, with ornate gold designs decorating the entire surface.
He then gently placed you on the bed, and goes into the bathroom to get something.
Seconds later, he reappears with a small glass of water and a lavender colored pill.
"Here, take this." He sets the pill into your hand and holds the glass of water.
"What is it?"
"It's for after Transylvanian women lose their virginity. It eases the pain and relaxes the muscles. You won't feel any tenderness tomorrow."
You immediately take the pill and wash it down with the glass of water. Gently sighing as you finish it, you hand him the empty glass.
You suddenly shiver from the draft of the window.
"Oh how could I be so rude!" He yells, turning to get a soft robe and new set of underwear.
He wipes away your remaining tears as he slips the robe around you, and brings the silky underwear up your thighs.
"I'm sorry about the sheets..." you trail off, head fuzzy with the remnants of your breakdown.
"Darling, what is there to be sorry for? It's natural once you lose us ur virginity to bleed. Why do you worry? I knew it would happen! There's no need to be embarrassed my love. Why, I'm quite proud of it. I got to be the first man that ever made love to you." He places a gentle kiss on your forehead as he climbs into bed next to you, wearing a new pair of silky shorts.
He gathers you up in his arms again, as he whispers something into your ear that will change your world entirely. Gently pressing kisses to your forehead, he leans into your ear and whispers, "oh darling, I love you."
"I love you too, Frank." You smile as you snuggle into his embrace as you finally (for real this time) fall asleep in the arms of a man that loves you.

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