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You awaken with a complete numbing feeling taking over your body. You don't have the strength to open your eyes yet, but you are conscious. Although your ears are ringing, you are hearing echoes of a high pitched voice. You are faintly aware of yourself tossing your head to one side instinctively to get away from the thrumming in your ears, and you instantly hear an array of pitches assault your ears. People must be practically shouting based on how loud the volume is, and it's all a bunch of different tones meshing together as you try to lift your arm, but it stays in its place. In fact, you can feel your muscles moving, but something is holding it back. It is then that you twist your right hand and feel a scratchy sensation on the outside of your wrist, and realize your hands have been tied behind your back with a length of rope. You then decide to try to life your leg, but encounter the same problem as your feet are tied as well.
*fuck* you think, as you begin to flicker your eyelids open as you try to ease your way back into the harsh lighting.
You have completely changed settings, you're now in Frank's lab. You see the same rectangular box Rocky had come out of, and the bright lights almost blind you before you can see everyone else tied up.
"Oh goodie! You're awake now! I thought the fun had ended before I even started!" Columbia smiled evilly as she tapped her heel in delight.
You look over to see a look of relief on Frank's face, and began to process that everyone thought you might have been dead.
"Wait, what's happening?" You weakly murmur as Columbia shines a bright light on you, immediately sending shocks of pain to your brain from the harsh lighting, making you blink rapidly.
"I'm fixing my problem." She says wickedly as she looks to Frank.
"Everything here was perfect until ya showed up!" She then looks to you with a look of pure hatred on her face.
"I loved him! And he didn't give a damn about me once you walked in here. Well! I've had enough of it! He can't love you if you aren't here anymore! He won't be able to be with me with you blocking the way! So there's only one solution!" She then picks up the same laser from before, and sends another shock into your system, effectively creating more screams from you.
You then take a breath as you realize she has walked over to a table that has an odd looking rod attached to it. She presses a button which sends jolts of lightning into the mechanism that nearly killed you.
"Huh! Lucky we had all those storms! I wouldn't have had enough power for this if not! If you thought that hurt, honey, you're not gonna be happy about this!" She finishes as she points the mechanism at you once again.
"Please... don't..." you manage to murmur before a loud noise assaults your ears and you feel a harrowing amount of pain course through your body. You suddenly go limp, and feel nothing.

***btw y'all the story is almost over. Probs gonna be one or two chapters left***

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