Letting Go

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***hey guys I'm back! This isn't really a bangin scene yet but it's got a tease in it... I still gotta work on the wording for it... I can't quite find it yet but I'll get there lovelies don't worry. This has some nice stuff for you though thanks for waiting and giving feedback! Please tell me how I did here! I've never written a scene like this before so please just lemme know if you like it or not! Yay thanks babes peace out enjoy***

Drifting from your slumber, you are faintly aware of a strong, familiar presence. One hand on your hip with the other on the underside of your breast, you suddenly realize that he is continuing to trace the tiny circles on your body.
Shivering, he realizes that you are beginning to wake up.
"Are you feeling any better darling?" He asks, voice full of concern.
You notice your head is clear, your mind no longer filled with the alcohol induced fog.
"Yes, actually I'm feeling a lot better," it is then you notice that it is still pitch black outside, the moon still as bright as it was before. "How long have I been asleep?" You question.
"Oh, only about an hour or so, it hasn't been long at all!" He answers.
You slowly nod your head and release a yawn as you are still aware of his circling fingers.
"Baby, I didn't mean to wake you," He guiltily confesses, "it's just too much not to touch!" He suddenly begins tickling the sides of your hips which immediately sends you rolling into fits of laughter and screaming.
"Oh Stop! STOP!" You giggle, still squeaking from the intense amounts of pleasure.
"Oh you know I can't stop when you look so beautiful writhing under me." He smoothly continues, not yet surrendering his actions.
"Please! Pleeeease stop!" You beg, body not being able to handle the amount of attention it is receiving.
He laughs at his power, "you know you'll have to beg harder than that, darling" he adds as he digs his fingers deeper into your sides, him now on his knees straddling you as you lay on your back looking for an escape.
"PLEASE!" You beg, not knowing what else to do to get out of the ticking.
"Say my name. I want to listen to how my name sounds as it rolls off your tongue in pleasure." He playfully grins, smug, yet somehow sexy.
You now get what he's after.
"Frank, please! Frank..." you release a soft moan as his fingers draw slightly lower.
Something flickers in his eyes. You notice the sudden change there again. It was there when you first met him, and it was there when he first saw you in a corset. Lust... there is a strong hunger there yet again.
He quickly lifts your upper torso up to him, still straddling you. He brings your right hand in his, and gently brings it to his lips as he closes his eyes, making an exaggerated kissing sound as he looks up to you with a different, similar look in his eyes.
You look at him, and then his lips, and then back up at his eyes again. Your own doe eyes wide from the surprise affection and natural state, your breath hitches when you look into his eyes to find something else that has replaced the lust.
At first you don't understand what it is, but then you realize it is something you've only seen in the movies, only witnessed with hand-holding couples in the street, something you've never experienced except with him in this moment. You suddenly realize it's in your eyes as well.
You quickly push him back to where he will now lie against the headboard, his back hitting the wood with his legs still slightly bent towards you.
He brings the hand that he just kissed to his chest right over his heart. The gentle thumping once heard in the past has been replaced by a thunderstorm in his chest. Erratic, unsteady beats now fill his strong chest, and you once again realize you are at a loss for words as he whispers, "Darling, do you see what you do to me?"
You catch your breath, and slowly release it as you realize your heart beats in time with his.
"I have this feeling, I've never felt it before. It's not anything I've ever had." You trail off, not quite knowing where you were going.
"I feel it to. I haven't felt it before. It's different than the want I usually have with these sorts of things. It's much stronger..." he whispers the last sentence as he leans his face to yours. Closing your eyes, you lean into his embrace.
You suddenly reach over him, now straddling him, as you begin to kiss.
At first it begins as gentle pecks, taking small breaths in between each polite kiss; however, it quickly changes as you feel your hunger build. The kiss deepens, his tongue first slipping into your mouth, dancing as your heart beats faster. It goes on for what feels like minutes, before you both come up gasping for air. You look at each other, both hungry, as you grab his black curls and continue your efforts. He gently bites your bottom lip, gently sucking on it until he releases it. Both of you now fully making out, he begins to caress your back with little circles, as he did earlier. You suddenly scratch at his bare shoulders, both of you still wearing your corsets from earlier.
It is then that he slides his legs from under you off the side of the bed as he gently pushes you on your back in the middle of the bed, him now leaning over you.
You continue kissing until he slowly moves his mouth over your chin, kissing it.
He stops at your neck, gently sucking and releasing over and over, and you feel your body begin to melt. Alternating between kissing and licking your neck, he suddenly drags his teeth over your pulsing pressure point.
You jump from the sudden pressure, and he quickly looks up in concern.
"Did I hurt you?" He asks.
"Well, yeah, but, I like it." You blush as he turns his open mouth to a smile, and he again lowers his mouth to continue his actions.
He then begins massaging your left breast with his hand, continuing his kisses on your neck as you intake a sharp breath. Whatever this is that is happening, you like it.
"Does it feel good, darling?" He smoothly murmurs against your ear.
"Ye- yes it feels- feels so g- oh God!" You suddenly yell as you feel him unlacing your corset, and flinging it open. Your breasts bounce free of their restraints, and his eyes glisten as he stares upon them. He grabs both of them, as he leans his mouth down to take your left nipple in his mouth. He begins sucking and swirling his tongue around it, and you feel your left hand suddenly fly down to grip the mattress sheets, pulling them roughly between your fingers looking for some stability. Your eyes close in pleasure as your hips instinctively buck, and you feel a warmth rise in your abdomen. He switches his attention to the other, and you suddenly become aware of his growing arousal.
You grab his hair and pull it up to your lips, your mouth desperately seeking his as you grind your hips against his.
You hear him gasp at the contact, obviously taken aback by your leadership.
You rub up and down with your hips, hitting every bump on the soft surface of his hot pants.
Suddenly curious, you flip him over to his back and reach your hand down over the fabric, and gently caress the slight lump that is forming.
He releases a deep moan, which encourages you to rub even more, soon finding a rhythm that drives him mad.
He makes an animalistic sound as he flips you over once again.
*Oh God, did I do something wrong?* you wonder, suddenly becoming self conscious. He notices your sudden change in nature as he tips your chin up to look at you expression better.
"Oh dear, you didn't do anything wrong. Quite the opposite actually. I just didn't want the show to end before it began." He finished the sentence with a deep grumble in his throat, as you could feel him kissing your breasts once again.
You moan as he goes lower, lower, eventually past your naval and right above your panty line. As he begins to kiss lower you suddenly grab his face and turn it upwards towards yours.
You don't know why you're so nervous. I guess it's just because you haven't been with anyone before like this... like anything really.
He notices your hesitation, "what's wrong, deary?"
"I'm not sure." You stumble for the right words again.
"Is it because it's so intimate? No one has ever done this for you before? You've never been so close to pleasure?" He says, looking deep into your eyes.
"I guess that's it..." you finish, content that he understands what you're going through.
"Aw honey, there's no crime in giving yourself over to pleasure. You've lost so much time already!" He finishes, drifting his fingers under your underwear/pants so he can trace circles around your hips again.
You look into his eyes, feeling comforted, "I guess so, I guess I just don't know what to expect. Really I don-"
"You're thinking too much. Don't think for once! Just feel. For once in your life just feel..." he trails off as he pulls down your only defense between yourself and him.
He continues kissing his way down until he reaches your sex. You feel his hot breath as he draws his tongue around the outside, tracing intricate patterns before he suddenly dives in. You instinctively grab his curls again as you moan deeply, every breath raggedly exiting your body.
He continues tracing patterns while he brings up his fingers to caress the bundle of nerves as well.
You begin seeing stars, and your vision blurs as the pressure in your abdomen builds. You feel as if you're going to burst from pleasure. You're already close.
"Frank, frank, frank," you pant, your breaths even more uneven, "please... I'm so-I'm close..." you manage to sigh out.
"Yes, my love, give in..." he whispers, the vibrations from his words causing more pleasure to arise.
"I... I can't..." You breathe out, fisting your hands into his hair, and holding onto your release.
"Let go, darling, let go... for me..." he continues, prolonging the vibrations from his words to bring you to the edge of your release.
"Darling, I've got you, let go..." he mumbles, as you finally release yourself to him.
"Oh Frank!" You continuously moan and cry as your entire body is filled with pleasure.
You feel your body shake as you ride endless waves of pleasure. As you finally come down from you high, you are gasping, sweating, and crying from the power of your release.
The presence once at your hips has now moved to hold you in his arms.
He wraps his arms around you and swings his leg over yours as he envelops your ur body to his.
"There, babaaaay" he whispers in his thick accent, hand brushing through your hair and placing gentle kisses on your tear stricken face.
"Darling, get some rest I'm right here... this will be nothing compared to tomorrow" he whispers in your ear as you try drift off to sleep, still in the arms of the man you love.

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