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You are awoken from your sleep by a loud crash of thunder. As your eyes widen from the sudden scare, you look outside to see an even stronger storm than the previous day. Heavy rain pelts the window as you see flashes of lightning dance across the sky. The whistling sound of the wind hitting the window and blowing through the trees is almost completely drowned out by the constant crashing of thunder. In the distance, you see a tree fall, the wind power obviously taking its toll.
*Great, the phone lines DEFINITELY won't be any better now* you think as you picture the misery of having to stay here longer and being forced to see a man with unrequited feelings for you.
"Ugh, this is just like high school" you mumble to yourself as you swing your legs off the bed and stroll across the room to the door. Just as you are about to open it, it swings open.
"Ope!" You jump from the shock of seeing Riff Raff opening the door as he motions for you to follow him.
"The master calls for you to see his experiment." He unenthusiastically states as he takes you to the elevator and pushes a button.
When the elevator begins to come up to the correct floor, you notice Frank is standing there with a green looking lab coat as well as the same set of pink gloves. His hair just as wild as his eyes, you don't even notice when the elevator stops and the gate opens.
Columbia and Magenta are wearing pink surgical masks and white aprons, and you notice a large rectangular looking structure behind him.
Riff Raff gently nudges you out of the elevator and Frank struts up to greet you once again. He envelops you in a hug and releases a deep chuckle as he says, "it's a big day, darling. It's finally here."
"What's here?" You ask, voice full of confusion as he sinks in acknowledgment but begins walking away.
He then begins turning knobs on the structure once behind him as an odd liquid comes out from each nozzle with a loud whirring noise.
You put your hands over your ears, the sudden stimulation too much, and before you realize what's happening everything turns black. Your sudden dizziness comes back as you fall to the floor, and your hearing fades.
You wake up on the floor, everyone surrounding you in concern. While Magenta and Riff Raff look bored as always, you notice Columbia's eyes are practically as wide as yours as she releases a sigh when you are responsive. Frank is gently petting your hair with an arm drawn under your neck.
"Well, don't be upset... it was supposed to be a surprise!"
It is then that you notice a new face in the room. His sun kissed skin and golden hair immediately take you back, and his eyes are filled with as much confusion as yours. Clad in a golden speedo and a pair of shoes, he begins to mimic what Frank is doing as he gently places a hand on your chocolate tresses. His blue eyes look into yours with a concern similar to Frank's.
"Who's he?" You manage to get out, voice raspy from your headache as you place a hand on your head for support and to try to stop the throbbing in your head.
"Well, this is my surprise! This is Rocky!" Frank exclaims as he looks deep into Rocky's eyes.
Rocky looks from Frank to you before he takes notice of the sparkles on your shirt. He gently lifts his hand and places it on your shirt, and you instinctively jump from the unexpected contact. Rocky jumps back as well, frightened by your reaction.
"Ohhhhh, Rocky! Where are your manners?" Frank yells as he gently pushes Rocky away from you. "Are you alright, darling?" He asks you.
"Yes, I'm fine. I guess I wasn't really expecting him to grab me." You answer, looking down, suddenly feeling bad for making Rocky feel guilty.
"Well, I had very different plans for Rocky originally, but since you've come here I realized that he will no longer be needed for the services I expected him to carry out." Frank says as he looks down and bites the knuckle of his pointer finger.
"What was going to be his job?" You ask, voice full of confusion again.
"Well, it doesn't matter now. You two can be friends now. He can help with domestic work."
You try to sit up as the throbbing pain becomes more evident. You bite your lip in pain as you notice a small trail of blood dripping from your hairline.
"Whoops, I guess that answers what hit the ground first." You add with an uncomfortable laugh, still confused and feeling slightly out of place.
"No worries, I'll fix you up now." Frank adds as he stands up and begins rummaging through his lab coat. He apparently finds what he needs as he lets out an "ah!" and once again leans down to me.
He pulls a medium sized syringe out of his pocket and uncaps the top. He gently flicks the top of the needle and pushes a tiny amount of a lavender colored serum out of the tip.
Without warning, he immediately injects it into your leg and pushes the liquid into your body.
"Wait! What are you doing?!?" You yell, surprise evident in your voice as you face him with a look of betrayal.
"Darling, you are in pain. I'm just going to stitch you up. You'll be out for a little but it's a lot better than being awake for fixing your pretty head."
Your vision becomes blurry again as his voice begins to deepen and fade.
You awaken in his bed once again, with an ice pack on your forehead. You gently shift in an attempt to lean upwards, and feel an immediate surge of pain as your forehead brushes the pillow.
"Fuck!" You cry out as the sharp stab of pain causes your muscles to tense.
"Well, not right now, darling, you're a bit worked up at the moment."
It is then that you notice you're not alone in the room. Frank is sitting next to you, occupying his usual side of the bed as he has a smile on his face.
"What are you doing here?" You ask sadly, no longer patient with this odd group and your heart still slightly hurt from your conversation earlier.
"Well, I've come to take care of you, of course." He finishes as he caresses the hair surrounding my stitches.
"Shouldn't you be out... I don't know... maybe fucking Columbia right now?" You question bitterly, your hurt quite obvious now.
He releases a laugh at this, and you become even angrier.
"What? What's so funny? You think you can take in a girl that needs help, take advantage of her, and then manipulate her? Some hospitality!" You aggressively state as you kick the covers off and try to move off the bed. Frank then moves to grab your legs and holds them until you stop kicking. After a few minutes you give up, exhausted from your injury and the effort.
"No, no, no, darling. That's not what it's like at all. Columbia is jealous that you get all my attention. She wants me, but I have no desire for her anymore." He caresses the side of you face as he grabs your chin.
"Well then you'll move onto someone else soon anyway, like Rocky."
"That was his original purpose, yes, but it changed when you walked through my door. I wasn't exaggerating when I said I love you. I don't say things like that at all, so when I say it, I mean it. You're different. You're different than any other person that's come here. For most people it's physical affection I need, but I need more for you. I care about you. I have feelings for you, and I care what you think. You matter."  He places a kiss on your forehead and you smile at the reassurance.
"Now, like most plans that have involved you, there's been a change of them. You get some more rest. You took a hard hit today with the floor, and I know you've been upset, so you need the sleep, darling."
He places a few more kisses on your neck until he gets a giggle out of you, and then he places one more final kiss on your forehead.
"I love you, darling. You're the only one." He adds before he struts out the door.
You gently snuggle on back in your covers, content with how your emotions are as you drift off to sleep.

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