Christmas holidays.

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Great. just great. i had to put up with the golden trio for christmas. Perfect! note sarcasm. thank merlin for bob, myra, dorothy, saphi and dad. Christmas eve was hilliarius though.


We are stood in the corner laughing at the ball abuzz holds each year. saphi in a black dress with a belt that matches her hair and black heals, bob and myra in jeans and blauses, dorothy in a red dress and red shoes. I am wearing a black vintage crepe dress, that was mom's, black stiletoes, hair blonde and black down and curly, make up natural. We are watching as dad dances with minerva and abuzz with pomona. hagrid is sat at the side. Potter and weasle come over to us. 

"Hi saphi, charline we wondered if you wanted to dance?" potter ask's us. we nod and saphi takes wealse hand and makes her hair match his while i take potters and make mine match his.

"p-harry. do you know how tto walktz?" i ask him after a moment he shakes his head i laugh "follow my lead. i have been to enough of these" i say and we dance. its funny to see dads face when we sail net ot him and minerva with saph and ron on the other side "hi aunt M, Dad" i say and they look at me and stumble

"potter, kindly move your hand of my duaghters waist" dad growls only to get ounched my minerva, saph and me

"dad quit it, you never moaned at the twins"

"well i knew they were not some egoti...." he says and i clap my had over his mouth "what would draco say?" he asks and i blush abuzz seems to have joined us with pom. 

"hay pom, hay abuzz" i say and dad quits being mean.

"having fun?"

"plenty." i say

"so harry would you mind if i stole your partner for the next dance?"

"sure professer go ahead. i think if i dance with her again her dad might rip my head of" he says and we all laugh. dad swaps minerva for saph and its funny. hagrid takes dorothy on his right shoulder, myra on his left and forces bob to ddance with him! we dance for a bit then the song ends hagrid takes dorothy for a spin, abuzz takes saph and Quirell of all people asks to dance with me!.  we get to the middle of the waltz when my instincts get the better of me and i hiss, lowering my fangs. harry and ermoione are dancing next to us when this happens and i step away. i move away ever so slightly until i have reached dad's cloak. i k now he has some blood in there. he otices me and and looks concerened. i smile at him and he sees my fangs and knows who i was just dancing with! i find the blood and glug. i glug like my life depends on it. i then slinck down against the wall and the song ends. we take our places at the tables and we eat. the night continues on form there and we go back to our rooms. 

************END FLASHBACK**************

christmas day!

i wake early and drag the girls up. we get ready. I am wearing a black crepe skirt and white blause with brown waist cut and black combat boots! i tie my hair up in a bun and turn it red, silver and green. we walk to the great hall and eat. i get some looks but hay ho. i give abuzz his pressent of woolen socks and sweets. he smiles greatly and thanks me as he always wants socks. i get minerva books, pom plants etc. i give the pressents for dad and the girls when we go back to dads quaters. i have a room in the dorms now! YAY!!!!!!!!!!......... 

we go to dads quaters, and they are so suprised when we come to a blank wall,

"Phoenix feather" i say and the door appears!

"welcome to where i spent 6 years of my life girls" i say and we go in. they seem impressed that it is not all dark and gloomy.

"wow, not what i expected at all" bob says

"well, robinena if charline did not keep it bright it would be"

"prof. how many times have i explained i go by bob"

"that is a male name"

"well take that up with my dad. he wanted a boy" she says in a huff and storms off. i look at the others and they mouth 'period' to me. i role my eyes and go in the kitchen

"so who wants tea?" i ask

"please" dad says

"me two" dorothy says

"me three" myra says

"what your having char" saph says knowing i am having a blood shake or something. i make one black tea, two milky teas and two blood teas. i place them on a tray with sugar and christmas cookies and levitate it in

"how on earth do you know wingardium leviosa already?" myra ask's

"learnt it when i was about nine. wandlesley of course as dad wouldnt let me have my own wand until i started hogwarts"

"like i said you could have gone to dumstrungs"

"yeah right. i anit going to no school run by a death eater" i say laughing. we all alugh then i get dads gift up "GIFTS"  i yell and hand dad his. I got him some anti-venom, liquid luck and dragon eye balls

"thank you honey" he says hugging me, he gives me mine. i un-wrap it and i see a muggle novel or 6, a muggle music player  and ear phones and 5 new note books

"thnak you dad i love it" i say tackle hugging him. the girls laugh as they are seeing a side of dad that is never in lessons. saphi goes next. she gives him a note pad and collapble couldron.

"thank you saphire-marie. here is yours" he says she opens it to find a instant replenishable blood flask

"thank you uncle sev, just what i need for long journeys" i give her a muggle novel named jane eyre. it is my favourite while she givess me a film named

"BRIDE AND PREJUDICE. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" I say squealing and hugging her bob, myra and dorothy get us new flask for our blood and they joined together to give dad some arachnid venom

"courtesy of aragog i believe"

"sure thing prof"


we go to the feast in the great hall and there is an extra seat that stays empty for most of the meal. just before dessert abuzz gets our atention

"a new memeber of staff will be joining us today. most of the teachers will recognise her and a few students will as well" he says glancing at me and saohi. this cant be good. the window opens and in swoops a sillver, black and green pheonix. i know that pheonix any where. if this is who i think it is dad will pass out from shock. the pheonix lands in the chai and transforms. i was right. dad passes out seieng as the pheonix is..........................


i am so cruel. see you next chapter. see if you can guess who the pheonix is before then. sane and insaane guess welcome.

love y'all


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