An old friend and school

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Dad does pass out. well given considering that the pheonix is.... "AUNTIE ONYX" i yell and hug her. Dads sister. i hug her much to the amzment of the few other students here while dad just sits out cold. she waves her wand and her wakes up with a start.

"pheonix. well dear sister long time no see"

"of course i would have come sooner but i have been busy sevvy"

"so what brings you to hogwarts?"

"your sister has offered to teach an extra course severus"

"ahh, i see. and which one of your specialty's will you be teaching the students?"

"um well that is up to ablus"

"i do believe that you may chose or do a different subject each term or week. it is your choice sally-ann"

"urg you know i prefer onyx!"

"very well then. lets eat" dumbledoor says.

that was a week ago. school starts this morning and dumble will introduce her then. i walk into the great hall for breakfast with the girls we sit down and then onyx walks in. her full name is sally-ann onyx snape. she hates it. when in hogwarts she was nicknamed pheonix because of her patrounus and temper. 

"good morning students. i do hope you had a good christmas. we have a new member of staff joining us this term. miss sally-ann onyx snape. she will be teaching catch up classes for students who need help and will also be helping her borther professer snape in potions" he says and she stands up waving. "madame snape will speak with students that need help individually. well of to lessons then" dumbledoor says and we all get up and leave. i have potions first so i make my way down to the dungeouns when auntie onyx comes up to me.

"charlie, i notice you are failing transfigurations but exceding in potions and herblogy"

"thanks to dad that is"

"well i wondered if in your spare time you would help me with catch up potions and herbolgy for students and also take catch up transfiguration"

"sure aunt onyx. what do i call you when you are helping dad?"

"what do you call your father?"

"dad" i say srugging my shoulders

"well just call m pheonix"

"kk " i say and we seperate at the door to the classroom. i que up and wait for the bell to go, when i tdoes i get my ipod out and put it in. i go in listening to love the way you lie by ariana grande. i sit down and dad starts the class he says something then it goes quiet until


"what?" i ask taking my ear buds out.

"give it here charline" he says holding his hand out

"nope" i say and the class gasp no one has ever stood up to dad until i graced the halls

"what. did. you. just. say?" he asks me emphisisng each word

"i said no. dad"

"Give that infernal muggle device to me. NOW" he demands


"Charline, i am warning you"

"your own fault for giving it to me"

"thats it charline. you are grounded for a week and have detention with me this week"


"excuse me?"

"you heared me. i said no." i say standing up to his level. my hair turns red and most people slid their chairs back scared.

"you insolent girl" he says ripping the ear buds away from my neck and back handing me. 

"you... you promissed the one thing you would never do.." i say my voice breaking. "you would never hit me no matter what dad. you promissed me that after mum died. well this just goes to prove how easy it is for you to break your promises" i say grabbing my stuff and walking out crying. i head to the forbidden forrest.

*snapes pov*

what did i just do. lord i promissed her i would never hit her.

"SEVERUS TOBIAS SNAPE" my sister screaches at me "WHAT ON EARTH. YOU ARE WORSE THEN OUR FATHER. ATLEAST HE NEVER HIT ME. HE HAD SOME DIGNATY" she yells and slaps me across the face. i stare at her gobsmacked and turn and storm out the door. i go into my quaters and pour a glass of firewhiskey. i get the maurders map that i confiscated form the weasley twins last year out my desk "i solemly swear i am up to no good" i say and the ink shows. 

"maurders, padfoot, wormtail, prongs, moony and pheonix bring you the maureders map." i cant believ my sister was friends with these. i search for charlines names and i see she is in the forbidden forest. i notice that the oaf hagrid and dumbledoor are with her. "mischeif managed" i say and put the map in my drawers then head down there. when i get there i follow the sound of crying. i find them and albus see's me first. he nods to hagrid and walks over to me.

"i never ment to hit her albus"

"how did it feel when your dad beat you severus?"

"bad. he made me feel like crap"

"exactly. how od you think you made her feel?"

"like shit?"

"spot on"

"can i apoligise?"

"not just yet severus"


ah shit snape. what did you do?

will she forgive you?

love y'all tali

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