dang it snape

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dracos pov

so potions. that was fun. sanpe decided he was going to back hand hid daughter, madame snape decided to back hand him and screech at him how their dad had dignity by not hitting her. he stormed out the room and madame snape took the lesson. she introduced herself as his sister, an animigus. she showed us her transfromation into a pheoonix and told us how she aquired the nickname pheonix. over all a rather peculiar lesson. as soon as the bell went i went to see if i could find her in ther ten minutes before transfiguration. i checked the common room, her quarters, RoR, dumbledoors office which was empty before the warning bell sounded and i headed to lesson. when i got in mcgonagal took role.

"mr malfoy. you are always with charline so where on earth is she?"

"professer sanpe did the one thing he promissed her he would never do professer. he slapped her and she walked out, then he walked out"

"oh dear" she said and continued with the lesseon. i have a feeling snape will be drinking himself to sleep tonight and charline avoiding him for say a month!


by lunch the incident had got round the school.charline did not come for lunch, neither did her dad, professer dumbledoor or hagrid. the head master is probably yelling at snape as we speak and hagrid playing with his precious animals.

pheonix's pov (snapes sister)

great lunch time and i severus has decided not to show himself. i swear if her is getting him sel hammered merlin help him when i find him. time for lesson again.

the class of 4th years come in and are shocked when i am stood at the front of the class

"alright class, professer snape is indisposed o at the moment " i say and get a few snigers from the red headed twins at the back "mr wealsey, and mr weasley i presume. mind out of the gutters boys. i am friends with your mother and i doubt she would like to here that her sons have been misbehaving on thefirst day after christmas break." i say making most of the class laugh. they mumble there apoligies and i continue

"as i was saying my brother has diapered for a while after a incident this morning" i say and a hand goes up

"yes miss bell"

"madame a few first year gryfindoors where saying that professer snape slapped his daughter then you slapped him. is that true?"

"yes miss bell that is true. sadly my brother has never been able to control his temper since his wife died 6 years ago." i say and the weasley twins start laughing

"detention you two. now what is so funny"

"you sure she didn't leave the old bat?"

"i will have you know that my mother was a vampire so that is inaproiate george" charline says walking in the classroom. she runs to his desk in a blur "you know what that means dont you?" she says hissing at them i laugh and most of the class whimper.

"you feeling better honey?"

"a bit aunt onxy. may i sit in the office"

"yes do not cause to much trouble"

"i wont" she says going in. 

"detention this week with flich and next week with my brother mr weasleys" i say and continue with the lesson.

charlines pov

i walk into the office after spending most of the day in the forest. i sit reading and eventually get boared so i take out my parchment and a pencil and draw my dad. when i have drawn him i draw aunt onxy, saphi, bob, mrya, dorothy, hagrid, dumbledoor, what i think mum looked like and myself. i leave the one of dad one of me one of mom on his desk and write. ;you swore you would never hit me dad, but now i see that you are just as big a liar as potter. oh did you know he is following us about under his invisibility cloak. he has been since halloween. i love you dad and i forgive you just please tell me you wont do that again or i might not forgive you next time.' i stand up and take the pictures with me to my detination. i slip the ines with writting on under dad and mines door while go to professer sprout who we are ment to have last.

"pom?" i say going in the greenhouse

"yes?" she calls back

"could you give these to the poeple they look like and please dont tell them it was me." i say

"of course. and if you ever need to torture your dad, i am happy to give a mandrake"

"thank you pom"

"no problem swettie now go before everyone see's you. minerva has a free lesson"

"i will go there next. by pom" i say walking out and heading up to minervas room. i knock on the door and she bids me enter. when she see's its me she hugs for me for three minutes straight, much to the second years amzment. 

"go sit in my office. i will be through once i have set the homework"she says and the glass groan

"oh shut up. be thankful my dad anit teaching today" i say and they brighten up visibly. its rather funny to hear the groans once again when aunt m gives them a 3 foot easay on transfiguration of a pig into a desk! fun! she comes in and sits down. pouring tea.

"so your father hit you?"

"yep" i say rubbing my check where a bruise is forming 

"where have you been all morning?"

"forbidden forest with hagrid and abuzz"

"ok, mr malfoy was very worried"

"i am going to go see draco later. any way he has reason, he was owled this morning by his father telling him his mum was ill so this ordeal has just added to it"

"oh dear. well has your father apologised?"

"no i haven't seen him but i drew some pictures and put them under our door, then sent some to each of my friends"

"very good. i know you love your art"

"yeah" i say sipping my blood-tea.

"so what do you want for your birthday?"

"i am not sure yet" i reply

"well you have untill july"

"thats right july 31st"

"what are you going to do this year?"

"not sure." i say and the final belll rings

"well do think about it."

"i will aunt M i  will. now i got to dash and see a malfoy about a kiss"

"what now?"

"dad didn't tell you?"

"tell me what charline?"

"i am going out with draco" i say and rush out the room. i head to the common room and dash in just before the door closes. i go and sit on dracos lap and he looks utterly shocked.


"you seemed to have cheered up"

"yeah. and in answer saphi i was in the forest all day" i say and spot pansy walking over

"drakie-poo, why is the idiot sat on our lap?" she asks

"A, i amm not your drakie-poo, B, my GIRLFRIEND can sot on my lap when she wants and C go away pansy" draco says just as dad enters th common room.

"charline a word please?" he ask's slurring his words and stumbling slightly i drag draco over to him, open the portrait and grab his hand. i run of to our quaters and he loooks ready to puke

"samatha" i say quickly and rush him into the bathroom. i leave him to his own devices and get black coffee, hangover potion and digestive biscuits ready. i then take draco to the liquor cabniet and take very single bottle out. i open the window and smash every single bottle and chuck it out.  when dad finally emerges he takes one look at me and does something neither of us expect. he bursts into tears!

"wow dad, calm down"

"i'm sorry honey. i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to hit you" he says still sluring his words

"dad drink this, then this then eat these" i say and he does. while i let him rest i drag draco up to my room. i have never shown anyone this for a reason and he is about to find out that reason....


hay y'all. 1400 words dont hate. mors soon.


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