A Very snucious chapter!!

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Well narcissa has been dead for a year. draco is over it but he still misses her. i never did really love her, it was a marriage of convience as i could harrdly let anyone know i was gay now could i. but hay. i have an heir so it does not matter now. Draco, Charlie and saphire are going out today so no time like the pressent to tell severus i am gay.  During breakfast i asked him if he could come to my study after the others have left for the day. They are going to a muggle village a little way down, leadsworth its called. they should have fun as i have sent them out with enough muggle money to keep them entertained for the day.

"lucious you wanted to see me?"

"ah yes severus, i wish to discuss something with you"

"ok then shoot"

"Well a good friend of ours, has finally decided to admit that he is gay, he came to me fr advice on how to tell the person he liked, that he liked them. so i was wondering if you had any adivce for our friend?"

"well i do have this one peice of advise for you lucious, and that is: oldest trick in the book, amount of times i have seen students using that to ask someone out over the years is shocking"

"so you accept the fact i am gay?"

"yes, i knew you never loved narcissa, so spill who do you like?"

"well, after 12 or so years of denial i realised that i have liked them ever since we started hogwarts and became friends"


"its you severus, i love you severus tobias snape" i say scared that he will reject me. instead he stands and walks over to me, i brace myself for a slap but i only feel a pair of soft lips on mine. he kisses me and i kiss back. its magical, sparks fly and he stradles me. we break for air and boht grin like morons

"what are we ment to tell the kids?"

"let them figure it out themselves. draco and charline may be uncomforatable with it as they are also dating but they can live with it"

"i guess" i say capturing my lips in his.


Its mine and sev's one year anniversary today and i want to ask him something. not marriage or anything just yet but i want to ask him if he promises that one day we can get married. we are meeting in my study after the kids have gone down to ledworth, they seem to be obsessed with that villiage. something about a dr. with no last name. weird. children, cant raise them or live with them.  


"sev" i say kissing him. we saty like that for a moment.

"happy aniversary"

"indeed a happy one at that" i say and reach into my trouser pocket. i pull out the velvet box. i dislodge sev from my lap and stand up pulling him with me. i flutter a kiss across his lips and then go down on one knee. he opens his eyes and gasps.

"sev, this is not a proposal just yet, but a promise, a promise that one day, we can get married, and be together forever?"

"i promise that one day we can. don you promise luci?" he asks getting out his own velvet box and joining me on one knee.

"i promise sev." i say and slip the ring on his finger and he slips one on mine. i stand up and pull him up. i lock his lips in mine when the door opens.

"GROSS GUYS GET A ROOM" charlie says bursting in with draco on her tail.

"i thought you were down in ledworth?"

"yeah came back for my phone, left it in my room. sheesh" charlie says backing out of the room. she closes the door and we laugh.


Today is mine and lucius 2nd anivesary and he ahs arranged for us to have a meal in the study prepared by the elves while the kids eat down in ledworth with there friends. yes we do allow thm to have muggle friends. when i get to the study i open the door and get a text.

follow the rose petals. xx lm

weird. i look down at the floor and see rose petals leading to the veranda. When i open the doors i spot lucious sat at the table and everything looking goregours.

"luci? whats this about?"

"well sevvy everything will be reveled shortly. now sit and lets eat" he says and we eat. by the time we get to desert which is a rich thick chocolate pudding i am starting to think that it is just a meal. nothing more nothing less. I take a fork full of my pudding and when i bite down on it i taste paper. i remove the paper and read it.

will you? 

is all it says. i look at lucious who is now knelt on one knee on the floor holding open a black ring box.

"will you marry me sev?"

"lucious............ yes" i say shocked. he removes the promise ring and slips the new one on my finger. he removes his and places a duplicate on his finger. i help him up and we kiss. kiss like there is no tomorrow

"not even going to ask" i hear saphi say and i smile into the kiss. when we break we look towards them.

"if you must know we are engaged" i say matter of factly and slide my arm around lucious waist.

"CONGRATULATIONS"  charline yells bursting my ear drums in the process. she promptly turns into a bat squeling every ten seconds. she lands on luci's head and does a small dance before biting his ear. she does the same to me and i thank her. saphi follows and does the same lucious goes to rub his ear but i shake my head. its a good luck thing. they do it everytime we need luck. yay.

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