vampires in town! what could go wrong?

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if unties in town that means vampire. with vampires in town what could go wrong. the answer a lot. i fly into the dungoen and land on dads shoulder. i peck his ear and transport us to the gargoyle.

"wheres charline? i thought she went to get you?" ron asks and i just swquak dad says the password which just happens to be bloodpops! we go up and dumbledoor looks suprised

"have they been in a fight severus?"

"no charline will eaxplain" he says and i hop of his shoulder and transform, ron looks gobsmacked.

"what? were you raised with no manners?" i ask and he closes his mouth

"what happeened that is sever ebough for you t risk exposing yourself charline?"

"well, i went to deal with parkinson and granger after getting in a fight and after cremilia and i got back  all the students were on the floor"

"oh my" he says as the door opens and closes while a blur comes past us

"yes deffinatley oh my albus, you really need to check your secruity as i mangaed ot get in with most of my council who are waiting in the hall"

"well, well, well, look who it is the useless aunt who never visits" dad says happyiily

"severus!" my aunt says and runs up to him hugging him tight

"enough lillian" he says and puts her down. i cough and she diverts her attention to ron.

"a weasley, i went ot school with you parents, nice people they are, say hi to dear molly for me" she says. she turns to draco "draco my dear boy, how are your parnets?"

"they are fine. how are you?"

"i am good, long ditance does were me out though. sev i do assume you have some blood on your person"

"first rule of having a half-breed as a dughter, never go anywhere with out some blood" he says handing her the flask, she glugs it down and it looks hillarius, ron just stands there very very pale.

"hello? am i invisable or something?" i say to her

"of course not honey, just smelling fowl"

"oi. i smell like draco"


"fell asleep on him"

"insolent girl. you allowed this severus?"

"no i was acctually in here dealing with a incedent""

"what happened to charline" she says snarling os much her fangs come down

"control your self lilian, she passed out in class. now what on earth brings you here?"

"rouge covern, traced them to hogsmede, dealt with them decided to drop bye here to see you guys"

"and what on earth bought you to attack students?" i ask

"what do you mean?"

"the flying class i was in got attacked, i had left just before it happened, but did you even stop to think of the re-procussions it would have on me when i smelt the fucking blood?" i say and dad glares at me for swearing

"we never attacked anyine we just got here"

"bullshit. you cant resist your self when there is a snack involved"


"you might be the bleeding vampire queen and i your only bleeding heir but you know what, you are a pile of bones running on blood" i say slapping her

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