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Skipping to Halloween for reasins that you will know if you have watched the first film or read thr first book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

halloween. my favourite time of year! the feast is great and i love peaves pranks. last year he stole something of each teacher. he took me for dad.  so let me think. he took dumnles wand, minervas tea set, sybil's  crystal ball, filius books, binns body! rownas sketch pad, and a few other things. it was hillarius. took 3 hours to find us in the room of requierment. i was sat there having tea with a hippogruf!


"peves bleeding put me down" i say as as he carries me into the room of requierment. he drops me down and i see buck beck. i sit down and poor tea after 3 cups i go up to buckbeak and start to play. he sits at the makeshift table and i poor him some tea. i get a book down of a shelf and read it. i finish it when dad, dumbledoor and minerva burst in. 

"daddy" i scream and hug him

"what happened?"

"peves happened"

"of course"

"can we go know?" i ask and we leave.

______________end of flashback!___________

i chuckle to myself remembering it and i get some funny looks.  i role my eyes and start to eat dessert. thank the lord i saved some fish fingers over. i get a disgusted look form pugface and just turn my hair violet, which emans dont go there.  i turn it back and as if on que quirrell the only teacher missing comes running in. 

"TROLL, A TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS. JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW" he yells before dropping in a dead faint.  everyone screams and it takes each teacher to send fireworks out to get them to calm down. my hair turns bublegum pink showing i am angry. it forms the words 'who ket a troll in?' all the slytherins laugh.

"in answer to you hair charline we do not know. but will the prefects take there students to the commons and teachers. follow me" he says and we all leave. i turn into bat form knowing they want me to come as well.  i peck drcaos check and fly onto dads shoulder. he laughs at my eagerness. i knaw at his ear and he bats me away. yes i did eventually turn him right way up!  i land on dumbledoors hat and he laughs. we make our way to the dungeons.

"severus take your bat of a daughter with you and check on the parcel, rest of you lets go on a troll hunt!" dumble door says and me and dad leave. we go to the thrid floor and wait. i turn back to human and we go in.

"fluffy" i exclaim and hugmy old  3 headed dog. yes he did use to be mine bu ti gave hiim to hagrid to look after! dad checks that everything is ok but trips on fluffys tail. he cuts his leg and i quickly mask the sent. we leave and hear bashing in the girls bathroom. we get there same time minerva and quirel do. i bat again and we go. its the goldent rio. mud-blood granger, weasle and potty potter. they notice dads leg and i just transfrom infront of them.

"what the hell?" i ask my hair turning bubblegum pink yet again.

"where on earth did you come from?" harry asks me

"behind my father now thw question is..." i say and let my hair form 3 letter WTF?

"its my fault. i thought i could handle it, i read about them you see and i wanted to try to fight it off" hermoione granger says

"well miss granger 50 points from gryfindoor, now get back to your common" minerva says and runs off

"professer?" potter asks

"yes mr potter?"

"are we in trouble?"

"no mr potter, you and mr wealsey each get 25 points as i only know one first year who could fight of a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tail" she says ushering them out. i shake my head and turn my hair emerald green. i make my way back to the slyhterin common and see draco, saphi, dorothy, myra and bob pacing waiting for me. the last threes are hagrids nieces. bob is short for robiena. they were sorted with all of us but we only recently becomae friends.

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