funny buisness

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after dad sobered up i explqined to him that i forgive him and just wish that he wouldn't lose his temper like that aging as it is pretty scary to see his hair transform into flames! i then tok draco to see my bedroom. as we walk in i close my eyes anticipating the reaction. i should explain, ny bedroom walls are violet, celling black, carpet black. my furniture is silver and all over the room is art supplies not to mention the fact the 3 out of 4 walls are covererd in drawings and the fourth that holds the door, wardrobe, art supplies is covered in a large painting. i watch as his eyes scan the walls then land on me.

"you drew all these?"

"yeah. art work is sorta a passion of mine"

"there amazing. it is safe to assume you were the one who dreew the pictures proffesser sprout gave to us?"


"how come they dont move then?"

"i use muggle supplies so thats why they dont move, i prefer them that way"

"i like them, the moving pics can give you a head ache" he says sitting down on my bed. "so why did your dad's hair burst into flames?"

"he was seriously angry, i should have stopped there last time i got burned. stupid elemmental"

"elemental? your dads and elemental?"

"yeah he is fire i am air, saphi's earth and aunt onyx is water"


"yeah did you know blasie zambini asked saphi out so she is going out with them"

"no i didn't"

"wow. i thought you and blasie were like besties!"

"we are mates good mates but he never told me"

"oh well, i spotted them sucking face this morning and thretend to tell dad"

"oh.. so you love artwork?"

"love? um i kinda love art more then ballet and hell even you and dad"

"wow. did not know you did ballet"

"yeah not many know. i kinda taught my self the rest of the stuff after learning while living at spinners end before...."


"yeah i feel that it is one of the few conections i have with her, that and the facts that she loved art and was a vamp"

"wow, honey i never knew that"

"yeah its ok dragon"


"your name is latin for dragon"


"so tell me about your self" i say plonking on my bed and dragging him with me

"well, my mum was orginally a black, sirius's, andromea and belleatrix's sister. met dad at hogwarts, both slytherin and both friends with your dad, the blacks disowned sirus after he turned light so i dread to think what they would do if they found out i hated the idea of being a death eater"

"i would hate it aswell, dad says that aslong as no one knows that i am his daughter i am fine and will not be forced to become a death eater. dad made the worst decsion of his life becoming a death eater he regrets it majorly"

"i never wnat to be a death eater. dad says he will return someday"

"well when he does, owl me and i will convince dad to let you stay"

"are you sure honey?"

"yeah your to special to me"

"thank you honey" he says kissing me. i pull back eventually.

"stay there, just stay still look happy" i say and start to draw, i sketch him. it takes two hours to get everything correct and nice. i finish and realise that it is past curfew. he yawns and so do i. i go into my closet and get my nightwear and then run and get a pair of dads sleep pants. I hand them to draco and run into the bathroom.  i come out and i am wearing a pair of black booty shorts, emerald green tank top and silver slippers. when i walk back in draco has changed into the pants and his white under shirt.

"where am i sleeping"

"ok no funny buisness, but we are sharing my bed" i say and he grins. i role my eyes and go to sleep.


slica it anit long but i am going away tommorrow for a week so i wont be updating for a while. slica again. 

love y'all


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