Ch. 8: One of Those Crazy Girls

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"Hurry up, Hazel!" Duff called over his shoulder. "You're making this take longer than it should."

"Hey, I'd like to see you walk right in these!"

I motioned to the high heeled boots that the guys had forced me into before we left the house.

Not only was I struggling just to walk in the boots, but I also kept slowing down to tug down the shorts I was wearing because they kept threatening to ride up my butt crack with every wobbly step I took.

It wasn't just the heels, though. It also had a lot to do with the man waiting for me at the bar. The man I hadn't seen since my teen years. I was scared he wouldn't even recognize me. Or, even worse, he would recognize me and then reject me. Maybe there was a reason he hadn't contacted me for so long and I was just one of those crazy girls that just couldn't get the hint.

"Quit stalling," Jeff rolled his eyes and started walking again, too impatient to wait for me.

I wasnt even surprised that Jeff caught on to what I was doing. Of course he knew. He always knew.

I grumbled to myself and sped up until I was falling in step with Steven, right behind the rest of the guys. Steven gave me a smile and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"You really do look amazing," he admitted with a wink.

"You really think so?" I tugged at the shirt so that maybe it would cover a little more of my stomach. I had no success. "Cuz I feel like a hooker."

He chuckled and pulled me close. "I promise, you're gorgeous."

Well, even if Will didn't like me, at least I had Steven and Jeff on my side. I wasn't too sure if Duff and Slash liked me a whole lot just yet, but I figured that they at least liked me enough to think that I looked pretty tonight.

As we walked down the street, I kept whipping my head around, trying to soak up every inch of the city that I could. I had never seen so many different types of people or so many lights in one area before. It had to be about eleven o'clock at night, and there were still people bustling by and cars zooming down the streets. It was true what they say, a city never really sleeps.

Soon enough, the Whiskey was towering over us and I felt my stomach flip. I gulped at the building decorated with neon lights and junkies sprinkled along the sidewalk.

Jeff stopped near the entrance and turned to me, making the other guys look at me too. He leaned forward and squinted, inspecting my face and head. I allowed him to make adjustments as needed, watching as he reached over to tease up my hair with his fingers and smear some of my eye make up with a thumb.

"There! Perfect!" He announced. "You're ready."

I frowned. I didn't feel ready. Jeff seemed to catch onto my mood, and he pulled away from the door and made his way towards me.

"You guys go on in, I'll chill out here with Hazel for a bit."

"What's the matter, Hazel?" Steven asked. He looked so concerned. I wanted to tell him, I really did, but I couldn't bring myself to say it. I just shook my head and looked away.

There was a long pause before Duff finally said, "Alright. I guess we'll see you guys inside."

I peeked up at them, watching as they stepped into the bar. Steven gave me a worried smile as he turned and followed Duff and Slash inside. I then turned to face Jeff, who was watching me carefully.

"So, what's up? I thought you were feeling better," he stared at me intensely as he spoke, reading me like an open book.

I kicked at some pebbles on the ground. "Some make up and clothes aren't going to fix this situation. It doesn't make me any less nervous."

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