Ch. 10: Swimming Pool?

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"Hazel," Izzy began.

Oh, lord.

He was giving me the tone of voice that told me he was about to dive into a conversation that I wasn't going to like. He was probably going to bring up something from last night. Probably something about how Will had acted towards me or about what I was doing in the phone booth. I focused in on the TV sitting in front of us and bit the inside of my cheek.

"I'm sorry about last night. Axl didn't mean any of that."

I rolled my eyes. He seemed pretty sincere to me.

"I don't want to talk about it."

I felt Izzy's arm as he snaked it behind me and pulled me closer until our legs were touching. Despite this comforting gesture, I continued to stare straight ahead, afraid to look at him.

"Hazel," he called out to me softly. I fought the urge to peek over at him. "I spoke to Axl last night after you went to bed."

My eyes practically bugged out of my head and I finally turned to face him. "You what?"

He tore his arm from me and held both hands up in surrender, his eyes widening in shock. I don't think he had expected me to raise my voice to him. The sound had frightened me as well, and I pulled away a bit from him to catch my breath before going on.

"Why would you go and do that?"

"Because it was partially my fault for how things went down last night. He might have felt cornered and attacked. I mean, he hasn't seen you in years and all of a sudden, you're standing right in front of him, looking like a sex goddess-"

"Jeffrey!" I scolded, sounding like his mother.

"Anyway, he was probably caught off guard. And you know Will; he hates anything that makes him feel vulnerable. He lashes out. You probably scared the shit out of him."

I let Izzy's words sink in, and I couldn't help but agree with him. As usual, Izzy was right. Will hadn't been given any warning and it probably came as a shock to him. After all, he hadn't asked for me to come, and he hadn't even tried to convey to me in any way, shape, or form that he had wanted to see me again. He most likely had no clue how to react, so he did whatever came naturally, which of course, was to be a jerk.

I sighed and shrugged. "I suppose you're right. But what did you guys talk about?"

"Well, the first part of it involved him hanging up on me repeatedly before finally staying on the line just to yell at me," Izzy recounted, "but, when he finally calmed down, I told him everything and I told him that you wanted to be friends again. I asked him if he would wanna' try to meet up again sometime soon."

"And?" I felt my heart racing. Had he declined Izzy's offer?

"He wants to hang out tonight. Hopefully he won't throw a fit again."

I sat back into the couch, letting my body sink into the fluffy cushions. The relief washed over me and I felt my chest swell with a new hope. So, perhaps he didn't completely despise me?

"That sounds great," I turned to Izzy and squeezed his hand. "Thank you."

He grinned and rested his forehead against my own. "Any time, doll. Now let's go get you ready for tonight."

I groaned, knowing that meant at least a half hour of Izzy poking at my face and tugging at my hair. He simply laughed and dragged me from the couch and towards the bathroom.

When we finally arrived at the bar, it was around eleven at night. It seemed as though, since I'd been in L.A., my bed times were getting later as well as the time I'd wake up. It was a strange transition for me, and I wasn't necessarily thrilled about it. But I enjoyed hanging out with the guys, so I let it slide.

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