Ch. 13: Where Do We Go Now?

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"Hazel, Axl is outside waiting for you," Izzy called through the door.

I slowly opened it and peeked out at him. "What? Now? It's seven o'clock in the evening!"

Izzy laughed and rolled his eyes. "Only you would say 'seven o'clock in the evening'."

I shot out a hand and swatted his arm with it playfully. He chuckled and grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of my bedroom and into the hallway.

"Anyway, he said to come now. It's urgent."

My eyes widened and I abandoned Izzy by my door, hurrying towards the front of the house where I saw Will standing and waiting for me by the front door.

"What's wrong?" I demanded, scanning over his body for any signs of discomfort. He seemed fine to me.

He beamed and opened the door, motioning for me to step outside and into the dusk. "Your carriage awaits, m'lady."

I raised an eye brow at him and peeked over his shoulder, checking out his fancy, red, third-generation Chevrolet Camaro parked out in the driveway. He grinned arrogantly at my impressed expression and twirled his keys on his finger.

"This doesn't seem like an emergency to me..." I mumbled suspiciously.

"Oh, it's an emergency alright," Will insisted, winking at me. He suddenly bent one of his knees and began hobbling around on it. "Ow! Ow! My leg! It's broken!"

I chuckled and shook my head, watching him as he pretended to be in pain.

"Quick, Hazel!" He tossed the keys to me and began waddling towards his car. "We have to get to the hospital, now!"

I started cracking up with laughter as Will continued to pretend to be in excruciating pain. My laughing slowly died down as I turned to see Izzy standing beside me, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched us mess around.

"You okay, Izz?" I whispered to him.

He gave me a weak half smile and nodded. "He's really missed you. Go have fun. He's probably got something great planned, and he never let's anyone drive his car. It's your lucky day."

I smiled as he said this. Then, surely there was nothing to worry about regarding that secret he and Will were hiding from me? I knew Izzy, and he wouldn't let me do something if he thought it to be dangerous.

"Alright. I'll try to make it home before it gets too late," I said, reaching up on my tip toes so I could wrap my arms around his neck and give him a hug. Izzy nodded into my neck and squeezed me tighter than was necessary.

"I love you," he murmured.

I giggled. "I love you too, Jeff."

"Now go have fun with your boy toy," Izzy teased, slapping my butt as he pushed me towards Will's car.

"Jeffrey!" I shrieked at the sting of his hand but ended up giggling when I glared back at Izzy's smile.

I rushed over to the car and sat down in the driver's seat. Will was already buckled up and ready to go in the passenger's side.

"So, where to?" I asked, blushing. I had no idea where to go since I hardly knew my way around L.A. as it was. This would be a disaster. I could already picture myself speeding passed my turns and making us get lost.

"Don't worry, I'll let you know where to go. You just start driving," he reassured me, leaning back into his seat and staring through the windshield.

I shrugged and started up the car. "Whatever you say..."

I pulled out of the parking lot and began gliding down the road, being careful to check in my mirrors as needed. I hadn't driven a car in forever-I'd never really needed to back in Lafayette-and I didn't want my first car accident to be in Will's car.

"Take a left here," he said, pointing to a street I hadn't been on yet since being in L.A.

I followed his orders and turned.

"Now, get on the highway over on your right. Right there!"

I felt my heart leap. "The highway? You really want to trust me to drive your car on the highway?"

He turned and locked eyes with me. I saw a fire there I hadn't seen since he told me he was going back home to duke it out with his dad. He looked angry, and like he was out to prove a point. I wondered what point he had to prove that could include me killing us both and destroying his car.

"Get on the highway," he insisted.

I turned back to the road and began to speed up on the ramp so that we would be up to speed with the rest of traffic.

I let out a sigh of relief when I easily merged with the traffic and put the car into cruise so we could remain at a steady, 70 miles per hour pace.

"That was good," Will commented, a smile on his face.

"Thank you," I muttered, not really knowing where he was going with all of that.

I watched as Will lit a cigarette and rolled down his window about halfway. As he took a drag, he flicked on the radio and changed it to a station that was playing a song that I'd heard about a million times before.

"She's got a smile that it seems to me

Reminds me of childhood memories,

Where everything

Was as fresh as the bright blue sky.

Now and then, when I see her face,

She takes me away to that

special place,

And if I stared too long

I'd probably break down and cry.

Sweet child o' mine,

Sweet love of mine.

She's got eyes of the bluest skies,

As if they thought of rain.

I hate to look into those eyes

And see an ounce of pain.

Her hair reminds me

of a warm safe place

Where as a child I'd hide.

And pray for the thunder

And the rain

To quietly pass me by.

Sweet child o' mine,

Sweet love of mine.

Where do we go?

Where do we go now?

Where do we go?

Sweet child o' mine!"

As the song came to a close, I noticed Will staring at me intently. I pretended not to notice and continued driving in silence as "Livin' On A Prayer" by Bon Jovi started to play. Will leaned forward to turn the volume down before leaning back into his chair.

"Do you know what that song is about?" He whispered.

I saw my knuckles had turned white from my grip on the steering wheel, and I felt my face grow hot as tears stung at my eyes. I blinked them back, forcing them to disappear before they could start spilling down my face.

"I used to hope it was about me," I began. "But I'm not so sure anymore."

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