Ch. 9: Homesick

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"Mom," I sobbed into the phone.

"Honey? Darling, what's wrong?" Her voice was shrill and I could practically feel her iron grip wrapped around her phone on the other end of the line.

I clutched the phone tighter and sniffed. "Mom, I shouldn't have left! I never should have even left."

"Oh, honey...tell me all about it. What happened?"

I tried to speak, but I knew she wouldn't be able to understand me through my tears, so I simply sat there and cried into the phone. Like any good mother, she sat in silence and waited patiently for me to catch my breath.

"I'm wearing make up-"

"Make up?" She screeched.

"And my hair looks like a bird's behind, and my shorts are tearing right through my hymen, and-and...there's homeless people all over the place-"

"Slow down, Hazel! You're talking too fast!" She ordered. I shut up and breathed deeply until my heart began to slow down to a normal speed. "Now, tell me what's bothering you."

Jeff isn't Jeff, he's Izzy. Will isn't Will, he's Axl. And Axl hates me.

I couldn't tell her that. She would worry, she would tell my dad, and they'd make me come back. I may not like it here, but it was certainly more interesting than being back there. Not to mention, Axl was here. Will was here, and I wasn't ready to give up just yet.

"Nothing," I said, finally. "I had a moment of being homesick, but I think I'm fine now."

"Are you sure? I can wire you some money for a plane ticket..."

"No, mom," I heaved a sigh and brushed away some tears. "I'll be okay."

"Alright..." she sounded unsure, but I knew she wouldn't push it. My parents trusted me, and I knew she'd take my word for it. "Well, besides that, how are things? How's the city? Is it really always sunny there?"

I giggled and shook my head. "Mom, I haven't even been here that long....But yes. The sun has been out the whole time. And the city is huge and bright."

"That's great, dear. And how's your friend, Jeff?"

"Izzy," I corrected her, mostly to remind myself rather than to remind her, "is doing just fine."

"Oh, lovely," my mom replied.

There was a long pause and finally she spoke again.

"I love you, honey."

"I love you too, mom. Can I speak to daddy?" I asked, eagerly.

"I'm afraid he's already taken his pills and went to bed. You just missed him."

"Darn," I muttered. "Well could you let him know that I'm his girl?"

"Always are, always will be," she finished with a chuckle.

"Thanks, mom," I whispered.

"You're welcome, dear. Now try to go home and get some rest. It's far past your bed time," she warned.

"Okay, mom," I grumbled, rolling my eyes. "Good night."

"Good night, dear."

I reluctantly pulled the phone from my ear and set it back on the hanger. I leaned against the glass wall behind me and rested my head, letting my mind wander to what I should do next.

A light tapping sound on the door interrupted my thoughts and I turned to see the guys standing outside of the phone booth, concerned smiles on their faces.

I returned a warm smile to them before opening the door.

"Everything alright?" Izzy took my hand and pulled me out of the booth.

"Yeah, I'll be okay."

"You want us to buy you some drinks?" Steven asked.

"No thanks. Can we just...head home? I just need some rest. I'll be better in the morning."

Izzy nodded and pulled me close. "Sure, let's head home, gorgeous."

I followed the band as they headed back towards Izzy's house, my head lowered along with my spirits. Maybe Will didn't accept me today, but tomorrow was a new day, and that meant fresh chances.

Even if he didn't love me, even if I had some how done something to make him hate me, I would at least earn his friendship again before I even considered heading back to Lafayette, and that was the promise I made to myself under the blinding lights of the city at night.

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