Ch. 18: Date Night

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"We need to get you out of here."

I peeked up at Will from the book I was reading. My bed was piled high with thick blankets, all of which I had buried myself into like a depressed hamster. Next to me sat a stack of books I had blown through in the passed couple of days, and on the floor sat a few dirty plates covered in crumbs from the PB&J sandwiches Izzy had been making for me.

"But...I'm reading," I whined.

He chuckled. "You've been reading for days now. Let's go do something actually fun!"

"Like what?" I demanded, finally dropping my book onto the bed beside me.

"This isn't Lafayette, Hazel. There's other things to do here besides smoke weed on the train tracks."

"That was one time!" I spluttered, still guilty over getting high with Izzy and Will back in ninth grade.

Will started cracking up laughing as he watched my face turn scarlet. "But seriously, I've got some plans for us tonight. I wanna' take you out for some fun."

My ears perked at that. The last time Will and I had gone out alone together, he had rented out a boardwalk for me. What else would he have planned?

"I got you these," he tossed some clothes and a pair of heels at my feet. "Get dressed and have Izz help you with hair and make up. I'll be back in about an hour to take you out."

Before I could decline his offer, he turned and walked out the door, leaving me all by my lonesome. I bent over and tugged the clothes up onto the bed with me. I about died at what I saw: a lacy black thong with a matching bra, a slinky black dress, and black stilettos with fire red on the heels.

"I'll look like a hooker."

"A classy hooker, at that."

I jumped and clutched my chest when Izzy's voice made his presence in my doorway known. He was giving me a mischievous smirk as he watched me inspect the outfit Will had left for me.

"How can he expect me to wear this?" I demanded. "Doesn't he know me at all?"

Izzy chuckled and shook his head. "I'm pretty sure this is more for his enjoyment. Not yours."

I stuck out my tongue. "What a schmuck."

Izzy laughed appreciatively. "Can you blame him? You're a gorgeous woman, Hazel."

I blushed and finally stood up. "Either close the door and turn around, or leave. I have a date I need to get dressed for."

Izzy looked me over carefully, calculating his next move before silently turning around to close the door. I stared at his back, cautiously stepping out of my pajamas. I kept at least one article of clothing close just in case he decided to sneak a peek at any moment. Of course, he was a total gentleman the whole time.

When I got the dress on, I called Izzy over to help me zip it up in the back. The dress was so tight, it looked like it had been painted onto my body. It was so tight, in fact, that I had to ask Izzy to help me into my shoes.

I watched as he got down onto one knee and slipped a heel onto my foot. Then he repeated the process with my other foot. When I was safely into both shoes, Izzy gazed up at me from his spot on the floor.

"Hazel, there's something I want to tell you."

"Uh...okay?" I giggled nervously. I felt like I had had enough confessions to last me a lifetime. What else were people hiding from me?

"I love you, Hazel," he breathed. When he saw the concerned look on my face, he hurriedly added, "You're like my little sister. I've always felt very protective over you. Very attached to you. And I feel like there is something you should know."

I quirked an eye brow. "Well, spit it out then."

"About Will-"

"Hey guys!" Duff barged into the room making me jump, knocking Izzy off of his knees and onto his butt.

"Duff!" I squealed.

"Dammit, Duff! You don't just barge into a young woman's room!" Izzy growled.

"Well, I heard your voice from the living room and I figured that whatever you were doing in here, there'd be room for one more," he chuckled, winking at me.

Izzy rolled his eyes and hoisted himself off of the floor and onto his feet.

Duff whistled as he circled me. "Damn, girl! Where are you heading off to?"

"Will is taking me out on a date," I whispered, growing more flustered the longer that he looked at me.

He cracked a smile at Izzy. "I love how she still calls him Will. I swear, she's like, the only person who can get away with that shit."

Izzy snorted. "Yeah, well, Axl always had a soft spot for her."

I smiled at the way they were talking about me. If Will's best friends were noticing how close Will and I were, perhaps that was a sure sign that Will and I shared something special.

"Come on, Hazel. We've got to get your make up done," Izzy grabbed my hand and led me towards the door.

I knew Izzy was trying to help me out, but I also guessed that he wanted to get us both away from Duff so that we could speak in private again. However, Duff seemed to be determined to join in on the fun.

"I'll do her hair while you work on her face," Duff said, following close behind.

"No!" Izzy practically shouted, catching both me and Duff completely off guard. We watched him begin to mentally compose himself before adding in a calm voice, "That won't be necessary."

"Why not?" Duff challenged, giving Izzy a sly smile. "Why do you wanna' be alone with Axl's girl so bad?"

I saw Izzy start to blush. I knew Izzy wasn't trying to get me alone so he could hit on me, and, even if he did like me, he would never do that to Axl. Still, the fact that he was actually getting flustered was surprising to me.

"Fine," Izzy stammered. "Let's just get this over with."

Duff nudged me and winked. "I knew that'd get him."

Izzy rolled his eyes and released my hand, walking away towards the bathroom and running his hands through his hair. Duff and I trailed close behind, me looking very confused, and Duff looking more than amused.

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