Ch. 11: There's Nothing Wrong With Just A Taste

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I woke up around five-not that I'd really fallen asleep anyway. I stayed up most of the night, tossing and turning, Will's words echoing in my skull.

"You were never on my team," he taunted me all night long.

The resltessness finally got to me, so I got up and rolled out of bed. I tugged my hair up into a messy bun, threw on a baggy t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and a pair of brown, worn leather boots.

I hurriedly brushed my teeth before stumbling towards Izzy's kitchen. He had to have an address book around here somewhere, he was known to be a practical man, after all.

I rummaged through countless drawers and cupboards before I finally found a small, red book with the word "Addresses" scrawled along the front. I lifted it from the drawer it was in and began sifting through the pages.

Will was easy to find, since he was near the front along with the rest of the band members. I wrote down the address on an old envelope and left Izzy a letter on another envelope so he wouldn't freak out if he woke up and I was gone. I set the book back into the drawer and headed towards the front door.

I needed to see Will and make things right. I knew Izzy was trying to help, but this just wasn't working out. I had to show Will that I meant business. I appreciated all of Izzy's help, but I had to take the bull by the horns on this one.

As I stepped out of Izzy's house and made my way towards the main road, I realized how stupid my idea was. I hardly knew any part of this city, save for how to get to those two bars that we had gone to. How would I even get to Will's house?

Cars passed by me, everyone rushing to get to work, and I figured they were all heading towards the downtown area. I took a few steps before deciding to just trust the sidewalk and follow its path as I ventured deeper into the concrete jungle.

It took about an hour for me to walk to Will's house. I had to keep stopping into local cafés and diners just to ask for directions. When I finally reached his front step, I silently prayed that this was Will's house and that it wouldn't be some random rapist answering the door who'd take me in and kidnap me or something.

After a few minutes of building up the courage to knock, I hesitantly lifted my fist to the door and pounded, before waiting patiently for a response. When none came, I pounded harder.

"Hold on! Holy fuck," I heard Will shout from the other side of the door.

I bit my lip and shrank away from the door. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea...

"What?" He roared, ripping open the door. His eyes were blazing and he looked around wildly for the cause of the commotion before looking down at me. As soon as he saw me, his shoulders slumped with relief and his features softened.

"Is this a bad time...?"

My eyes wandered down and I saw the tattoos sprinkled along his ivory skin. Tattoos that hadn't been there the last time I'd seen him shirtless back in high school. As my eyes continued their path downward, I saw that he was only in his underwear. I blushed furiously and forced myself to look away and into his eyes.

Oh, no! He was smirking. Did he catch me peeking?

"No. You just woke me up is all," he replied with a shrug. "And I wasn't expecting you. I thought you might be some crazed fan or something."

I grinned. At least he liked me more than he liked stalkers.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be asleep..."

He chuckled and shook his head. "At six in the morning? Fuck yes, I was asleep. You're fuckin' crazy, girl."

I blushed and hid behind my hair.

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