Ch. 25: The Blessing

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My leg was jiggling like crazy as I waited for the familiar creak of my father's bedroom door opening. I sat across from my mother at the dining room table, sipping at a cup of tea. Every so often my mother would glance up from her cup to give me a reassuring smile, but for the most part, I remained alone and lost in my worries. The longer Will remained alone with my father, the greater my worries became.

What were they talking about? And, if it turned into an argument, who would win? My father was a strict, authoritarian figure-something Will was one hundred percent against. Will was wild and unpredictable, something my father would love to beat into shape, even if it was with his last dying breath.

I leapt to my feet as soon as the door opened and footsteps could be heard stomping down the steps.


I sprinted over to him to hug him and ask him about the conversation, but he shrugged me off and charged out the front door without a word. I turned to give my mom a concerned look. She simply shook her head. Why had I looked at her? She knew about as much about that conversation upstairs as I did. If I wanted to know what was going on, I'd have to go directly to the source.

I crept up the stairs, my hand sliding along the railing as I went. When I reached the top step, I forced myself to enter my father's room. I approached his bed silently, his eyes never straying too far from me.

"Hello, darling," he croaked, lifting a hand as I stood by him. I placed my hand in his carefully and gave him a loving squeeze.

"Daddy, what did you say to Will?" I whispered.

He frowned and turned to look out the window. Moments passed before he finally spoke. "I asked for his forgiveness."

I quirked an eye brow. My father...apologizing?

"I told him I had only wanted what was best for the both of you. He might have stayed behind for you and given up on his dreams and his own life. Not only that, but he was a delinquent. I didn't want him dragging you down with him if his plans fell through. I mean, Jesus, Hazel. The man abused his wife and attacked a fan at a concert. I didn't want you around that."

"But, daddy, I-"

"Please, let me finish."

I bit my lip and nodded sheepishly. "Sorry, daddy."

He licked his lips and continued.

"But I just spoke to him. And, after speaking to him...I heard how he felt about you," my father's stern voice softened and he looked up at me, a tiny smile forming on his face. "He seems genuine. The way he talks about you...."

He glanced back out the window.

"I gave him my blessing."

"You what?" I shrieked excitedly.

"I gave him my blessing," my father clarified.

"Oh, daddy!" I cried. I stooped down to give him a hug, careful not to squeeze to tightly for fear that I would break him.

"But!" My father interjected my cheering. "If he so much as yells at you...I want you to get Jeff to kick his ass."

I giggled. "Trust me, daddy, Jeff would gladly take care of me."

"Good," my father said. "But he promised me he'd get the help he needs. He also promised he'd take care of you since I won't be able to anymore."

I frowned. "'ll be alright."

He shook his head and released my hand. "Not this time pumpkin."

I felt the tears beginning to form and I grabbed his hand once more. "I love you, daddy."

He smiled. "I love you too, girly. You're my girl. Always have been."

"Always will be."

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