Chapter 20

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"Never. I repeat never. Never visit the other side of the town. Do you hear me?" I stood rooted to the ground as Ethan scolded me like I was a toddler.

Well yeah, I am according to him.

"Yes." My voice came out low and shaky, which; I'm sure must have made him feel bad as he pulled me into a bear hug. Ruffling my hair he said, "I don't want you to get hurt. I'd die if anything happened to you."

"I know, Ethan. But I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl!" I said, breaking our contact while giving him an assuring look.

"You don't understand. Those people out there, they aren't really the ones you can trust." His eyes held softness, but I didn't miss the warning behind them.

"Fine. I won't go." I rolled my eyes at his overly protective behaviour earning a cheeky smile in return from him.

I was dragged out of the sweet memory and was slammed into the current situation. Now I know, why Ethan wanted me to stay away from that place.

Panic kicked in. I tried opening my eyes but it didn't even buldge. My mind raced hundred miles per second thinking something worst has already happened. Accepting that my eyes are of no help, I tried taking help from my hands. Trying to lift my hands up, to move the hair that was sticking to my forehead; irritating me somehow, I realised that they were tied up. It was then I felt something thick wrapped around my hand.


My eyes were still shut but I heard muffled voices around me. I couldn't make it what they saying. I tried making sense from their words because right now, my body is not functioning properly.

The words were getting clear but the process was very slow. Having ears but not being able to listen, was getting on my nerves. Frustrated, I tried moving but stopped when I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head. It's like I have been hit and now the pain was rushing in. Staying still for a couple of seconds, I let the pain ease away.

Somehow I managed to open my eyes and my vision was coming back to life because the blurriness was fading away. The muffled voices were too now clear.

The first thing I checked was, if my clothes were still on. Thank god, they were still on my body but was a little bit sticky because of my sweat. Great.

"Let's try this new shit on her." I heard one of the guy say to another.

I tried to look around and see if I can find a way to get out of here. Scanning the entire area, I realised that I was currently sitting in the middle of the room.

Dull walls and nothing but a bed in one of the corners and a very large table which was surrounded by the same three mens.

I could smell something familiar. Something way too familiar.


My head snapped in the direction of the unknown voice, which said "She's awake, Ben." It was the ugly baldie who spoke.

Ben walks in my direction and stops before me. Leaning in closer he whispers, "Either you do what we say and you get to walk away from here without getting hurt or we can hurt you and make you do shit anyway." A nasty smirk plastered across his face when he backed away, waiting for my response.

Crotch? No. I'm tied up.

Rib cage? Good idea, but again. I'm tied up.

Head smash? Yeah, this one will do. I can even bite his ear off. But only if he comes closer.

I won't do shit for any of them. I will not back down without putting up a fight. This is not what Ethan taught me. I kept thinking about all the self-defense techniques that Ethan made me practice. My mind was so caught up in the thoughts, that I didn't realise Ben reappearing. This time he was holding a piece of paper.

Is it some kind of a drug? Is he gonna make me snort it? What if he forces me to? What is he planning to do on further? Murdering me? Raping me? Selling me off? A shiver ran down my spine and my mouth became dry  thinking about all the worse possibilities.

"Do you know this address?" Ben's voice came out authoritatively. I looked at him in confusion.

Out of all the things why would he ask me about some address?

I raised my brow at Ben but he was quick at shoving the paper in my face. I squinted my eyes, trying to read the dirty handwriting. I paused as I realised it was my address. My head started spinning and my vision started getting blurry. The last thing I remember was Ben's ugly laughter.

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