Chapter 23

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Zach's POV:

I had to leave.

I couldn't stay longer around her. 

No one has ever gotten into my head, but this girl somehow manages to do that. I have no idea how. There's just something about her that pulls me towards her. I can't seem to stay away from her.

And that's not healthy for me.

Rushing out of her building, I kept walking towards the Zone. I need to find out what the fuck those assholes ingested in her. She doesn't remember seeing those assholes. She doesn't remember being almost naked. For fuck sake, she doesn't remember anything at all.

To say I was shocked when she asked me about her being at home, would be an understatement. I wanted to tell her the truth but I knew she wouldn't be able to handle it. She would freak out. 

I remember vaguely, Gary saying something about trying a new stuff on her. She doesn't need to be dragged into this mess. I swear, if any shit happens to her because of it I'm gonna skin those motherfuckers alive.

Just the thought of Ben touching her inappropriately makes my skin crawl. The way she was laying on his bed almost naked pumps anger in my veins. If I hadn't reached on time, I don't know what Ben would have done with her. Maybe raped her. Or even mutilated her.

Don't overthink, Zach. She's just a girl.

I hate to agree with my conscience but I can't stand someone else touching her or watching her with lust in their eyes. I would claw their eyeballs out if anyone even tried.

Making my way to the main door, I banged it furiously. Within seconds, Jerry was at the door with an annoyed expression plastered across his face.

"Dafaq dude! You gonna break this thing?" He hissed.

"Where's Ben?" I demanded.

Jerry moved aside, giving me space to enter the apartment. My head snapped in the direction where he sat.  Fucker was busy smoking pot in one of the corners across the hall. He gave me his sickly smile and offered me to join him.

Driven by rage I lifted his lumpish body and knocked him against the nearest wall.

"What the fuck did you do to her?"

"I don't know whatcha talking 'bout man."

This fucker is clearly lying.

Balling my fist, I landed a strong punch on his face. Ignoring the sting that my fist felt, I saw red liquid trickling out of his nose, but I couldn't care less. Another punch landed, on his jaw this time. Jerry tried pulling me away from him but I didn't budge. All I saw was red.

"Calm the fuck down, Z! You'll kill him!" Jerry yelled, trying to push me off Ben.

"I don't fucking care." I gritted.

Banging Ben's head back to the wall, I leaned forward. "I am gonna ask you this for the last time. What. Did. You. Do. To. Her?" Anger and venom seethed through my words. And I wanted nothing more than to beat him to pulp.

"You need to chill out, man. I gave her a tiny amount of a new shit." He smirked, showcasing his disgusting teeth.

Wrapping my hand around his neck, I squeezed him slightly, "How much?"

"Bare-barely a pin-pinch!" He gasped for air but I was not in the mood for mercy.

"What next, shitbag?" I squeezed his neck more.

"St-stop. Te-telling you-u tru-uth."

Losing my grip on his neck, I glared at him to continue.

"We found her walking around and I thought we can try this shit on her. I gave a piece of paper to reach which contained the stuff. It's called the Devil's Breath. I didn't know how it works, so I tried it on her. Man, it was like she was hypnotized. She did everything we asked her to do."

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