25 // losing siblings

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It's been a month now and Rikers improved a bit. For the past month he's had nightmares, he's relapsed, he's been wanting to kill himself...we've all been there for him and he's improved.

Selena hadn't been online much anymore. It worried me. Same with mason. I tried to shrug it off and tell myself they were both busy. I did try calling but heard nothing. Me and Riker had also been divorced for a year and a month today. It sucked.

But anyway today I was watching Stranger Things and then Rocky and Riker walked in.
Rocky's eyes were red.
"Hey what's wrong?" I paused the TV.
"We need to talk to you" He says.

They sat down with me.
"Emma. It's about your siblings" they said. Riker took hold of my hand and squeezed it.
"Selena's in rehab" Rocky whispered.
"What!? Why!?" I exclaim.
"She has depression and anxiety. She's been having panic attack and has been feeling worthless and that she's not good enough. She also has lupus and needs to have a kidney transplant soon" he tells me.

Tears filled my eyes.
"How did I not know?" I whisper.
"I didn't either. She told me about the lupus when the tour started. But then she started getting panic attacks and stuff. She's going to get better though" he tells me.
"I need to see her!" I say.
"She's in Tennessee. I booked us a flight for Saturday" he tells me.
"Thank you so much Rocky"

"And this next one is about your brother" my heart stopped.
"He was in a car crash and they didn't save him" Rocky says. Riker held my hands tighter.
But I pulled away. "I don't believe you!" I say.
"Emma I'm sorry but-"
I cut him off. "No! Your lying!" I exclaim.
lEmma I'm-" he got up. I did too.
lStop it Rocky!" I exclaim.
"Emma he's gone"

I screamed and threw my phone at him. He ducked and it shattered against the wall. I started to cry softly. I fell on my knees and cried.
"He's gone" I whisper.

I loved my brother will all my heart. He was there for me in my darkest times. He never got mad at me. We were parted for 22 years and he was still there for me. He always checked up on me and had a good heart.
"H-he's gone!" I sobbed.
"Emma" Riker gently wiped my eyes with his thumbs and put his arms round me while I sobbed into his jacket.
"He's in a better place" he whispers.
"That doesn't make a difference! He's gone!" I cried.
"His body is being sent over tomorrow. You get to see him one last time" he replied.
I bursted into more tears and ran to my room sobbing.

I rolled my sleeves up and saw scars staring back at me. He helped me through this. What was the point going on?
"emma open the door! please!" Riker banged on the door.
"Riker go downstairs okay? I'll speak to her" Rocky says.
"Rocky no I can't leave her!" He exclaims.
lRiker go!" It was quiet. "Now!" I heart footsteps shuffle away. Rocky lightly knocked on the door.
"Emma open up. Please" he says gently. I whimper. "I'm not mad okay? I promise Rikers not going to know" he says.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as I unlocked the door.
"Hey it's okay" he wrapped his arms round me and sobbed.

"Stay strong okay? He want you to" he says. I nodded. "I'll let you have some alone time" he says, leaving the room, walking downstairs and leaving the house.
I bursted out crying.
"Emma" Riker appeared out of Cole's room. He wrapped his arms round me and I sobbed.

Our lips slowly connected. I pulled away quickly. "W-we can't" I mumble.
"Riker get your ass down!" Rocky yelled.
"dude I fucking live here!" Riker yelled back. I flinched.
"She needs to be alone! Leave!" It was quiet. "Now!"
Riker got on his feet. "I'll call you" he says.
"Hey" He turns around.
"You okay? How are you?" I ask.

"I'll be okay when you are" He replied.

After he went I took off my make up and got into a hoodie and leggings and sat in bed crying. I had to call Selena. I dialled the right number and held my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" A women's voice says.
"Hi. This is Emma Gomez. Sister of Selena Gomez. May I speak to her?" I ask.
"She's in the shower right now. Maybe call back later?" I sighed.
"It's urgent" I replied.

A few minuets later I heard my sister shaky voice on the phone.
"H-hello?" She quivered.
"It's so nice to hear your voice" I smiled.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you" she whispered.
"It's fine honestly.Your going to get better. Your strong and a real inspiration. You can do it" I say.

"D-did you hear about Mason?" She asked.
"Y-Yeah" a tear rolled my cheek.
"At least we have each other. He's in a better place. And he's healed. And happy" I tried to be positive.
"He deserve to be happy" she agreed.
"I'm coming to see you this weekend. I can't wait. I miss you" I replied.
"I miss you too sis" she replied.
"I'll write to you every week. Your going to get through this. We're all rooting for you" I replied.
"I love you sis" she cried.
"I love you too" I started to cry t99

I ended the call and got a text:

Riker💘: I still love you.

disconnected | r5 & selena gomez| rewritten versionWhere stories live. Discover now