idk what this is

19 0 5

this is a joke

Bendy, Foxy and Sans sat in room, around a table. Darkness shrouded the three of them with exception to a single hanging lamp above the table. The didn't trust each other, of course, because of how different in appearance they were. Bendy was a two dimensional character with a permanent smile that brought disquiet to anyone that realized that there was malevolence behind it. Foxy was a three dimensional, anthropomorphic fox that towered over the other two, who were much shorter in comparison. His single golden eye and often agape mouth was unsettling, to say the least. Lastly, there was Sans, a pixelated skeleton that was more out of place than Bendy or Foxy.

"How did we get here," Foxy demanded.

"Yeah, I don't get what the big idea is all about," Bendy said.

"Don't worry guys, we'll get out of here soon."

Sans' optimism was not welcome as the other two glared at him. He quieted down immediately.

"This room's so dark," Bendy complained. "I can't see a thing!"

"I'm used to bein' in the dark and I can't even see," Foxy said, lifting his eye patch.

"What do we do?"

"Better question is, why are we here?"

Bendy snapped his fingers. "I got it. You go to one end of the room, and I'll go to the other. Maybe we'll find a door!"

"Or a light switch. 'S a good idea."

Bendy and Foxy stretched out to the corners of the room, leaving Sans alone at the table.

"Come on guys," Sans said to no one in particular. "Don't leave me bonely!"

Foxy dragged his hook along the wall, making a dreadful sound against the metal. This made Bendy frustrated, but it was Foxy who beat him to the light switch. Once light returned to the room, the three sought after bachelors quickly realized that they were not alone.

There were windows that made the room they were occupying visible on all sides, previously obscured by darkness, now clearly as day. In those windows, also previously imperceptible, the faces of a thousand love sick teenagers. Their mouths indicated that they were clearly screaming, yet the three of them didn't hear a thing.

"Either I have bad hearing or this room is soundproof," Sans said as he joined Foxy's side.

"It seems we're being watched. By, uh, the younger masses," Bendy observed and stepped closer to the glass. This simple action drove the crowd even more insane. Their faces became more lovesick. Their screams became more pronounced. A few of them began banging on the glass in an attempt to break the barrier separating them and their beloved.

"Let's hope they don't get in," Foxy said.

"Eh, this glass looks pretty tough," Sans said. He walked up to the glass and poked it. "I bet it'll take them all day to get in."

"I think you spoke too soon," Foxy said and joined Sans. He traced a small crack that one of the stronger fangirls made on the glass. "Might be within a few hours."

"Well, what do we do," Bendy cried.

"They're gonna eat us alive if they get in here."

"He's right. They're ravenous," Sans said as calmly as possible.

"We could barricade them with the table and chairs," Foxy suggested.

"Only on one side," Bendy countered.

"Do you have any better ideas?"

Bendy's silence was indicator enough

hat he, too, was at a loss. Sans and Foxy threw up the table against the cracked window and armed themselves with chairs. As an additional measure, they stayed in the room's center, where they'd be farther away from the raving teenagers. However, the glass wasn't strong enough and the cracks only grew bigger and bigger.

"They're coming for us," Foxy cried out in fear.

"Maybe they're friendly," Bendy suggested, trying to lift their mortified spirits.

Sans quickly realized that he hadn't even bothered to learn his fellow prisoners' names. He would have asked, but the bloody hand of a preteen girl advanced through the glass, the barrier between the two of them.

"I've got you now," she shouted, victoriously, and her peers followed like lemmings. They rushed at the speed of light to the new aperture in the glass and their combined strength eventually shattered the window into small pieces. In a stampede that the three of them could barely comprehend, teenage and preteen hands were all over the three of them.

Each were being kissed, touched, hugged and grabbed in ways that none of them were comfortable with. Fights began to break out amongst some of the girls. Bendy couldn't help but feel guilty because those fights were started over the idea of him. Foxy felt similarly, but Sans took a strange pleasure in knowing that he made these people happy. His ego was boosted a little that day. If only his brother was here to see so many fans.  Eventually, the girls and boys simmered down; Sans was able to quench his curiosity and ask why there was so much hype. Bendy and Foxy were left traumatized by the previous events and didn't speak a word, no matter how much coaxing from their fans.

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