oh boy

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Mulder's fish are deep

From Diana Fowley to Dana Scully, the fish was cognizant of her owner’s infrequent propensity to find a woman whom he finds meaningful, someone who is allowed in the backdoor of his arguably complex existence and briefly adapts to the routine of a kind of synergy with Fox Mulder. These two previous women, Fowley and Scully, are the most prominent (as well as the most recent) potential partners who have entered Mulder’s life. Although Fowley gained a reputation with Mulder, the fish often found herself disquieted by the idea of them together. For some reason, she didn’t trust or like Fowley. Due to the convenient timing of her departure from Mulder’s life, she had a feeling that Mulder also didn’t trust Fowley. Albeit chronologically distant from the arrival of Scully, Fowley’s exit left Mulder in need of someone else. Enter Dana Scully, who the fish came to trust and often thought was good for Mulder. Both were aware of the fantastic and outlandish conspiracies he believed in- the fish had a UFO filter in her tank, in an eternal cycle of rising and falling in the water. She could tell that this was her owner’s passion in life, and she supported him. Scully wasn’t like Fowley, yet she did seem to take an odd pleasure in proving Mulder’s passions wrong, regardless of how much water the conspiracy seemed to hold.   

These passing admirations for the women of Mulder’s life were enough to keep the fish entertained. Her tank mates were not quite as inquisitive as she made herself out to be; they didn’t even refer to Mulder by his name. To them, he was the Hand, as in The Hand That Feeds. They also referred to her as “Woke”, because of how often she thought of Mulder and the various complexities of his life. The name had since stuck, and her identity was now Woke. She didn’t mind the teasing, because they didn’t understand Mulder as well as she did. Her sense of exclusion brought infinite comfort to Woke.

She often lived in this whimsical admiration of Mulder and Scully, but mostly Mulder. Woke deified Mulder and his characteristics- his lanky physique, his pale complexion, his mild countenance that often allowed insight into his emotions. She exalted his qualities- his occasional yet sharp wit, his passion for the unexplained and his abiding need to help those afflicted with the tragedies of the supernatural. The simple idea of Mulder overwhelmed Woke to the point where she would stop flapping her tail and fins; this allowed her to drift languidly to the rocks at the bottom of the tank. Woke would close her eyes and freely idealize her beloved.

As Woke meandered through a myriad of glorified images of Mulder of her own making, the tank vibrated. This often meant that their famed owner had slammed the door to the apartment. For their own intents and purposes, all the fish in the tank became interested when Mulder arrived home. Now, it was a question of whether or not he would stay for the night. The other fish were intrigued by this matter as well, but for selfish desires. If Mulder only stayed for a brief time, it meant that The Hand wouldn’t feed them. Despite this, no fish in that tank faced hunger. Woke and Woke alone acknowledged this, and found another reason to admire Mulder as she did.

Today, the fish were treated to a prolonged stay, and the Hand imbued its power upon them. As if taken over by some primal instinct, her tank mates devoured the small flakes. Woke ate in a composed, respectful manner. Mulder didn’t notice, just as he hadn’t noticed previously. However, this would not deter Woke from eating the way she did.

Suddenly, the ground beneath the fish began to shake even more. Woke and the others were surprised, yet aware of what was happening; they all knew that it was merely Mulder’s strange habit of dribbling a basketball indoors. Personally, Woke believed that he was dedicated to the game, but lacked a court upon which he could practice. The other fish were more than aware that Mulder simply didn't want to go out and socialize- a notion that was impossible to accept for Woke. Why would he waste his valuable charisma on nothing? The vibrations continued and stopped abruptly in their regular, vicious cycle until one of the fish who Woke often demonized in her love for Mulder suddenly stopped swimming. He floated to the top of the tank.

Confused and frightened, the remaining four fish crowded around their brethren's dead body. They kept inquiring if he was alive, and it seemed that their change in character was enough for Mulder to notice. Woke was blessed with one of the rarest melodies she'd ever have the privilege of perceiving in her life- Mulder's voice. He made a short observation, claiming that the fish was dead. His hand reached in the tank and pulled him out, presumably to send him off in the toilet.

Though her spirits were elated upon hearing Mulder's soothing voice, Woke couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. She'd often loathed these fish giving her so-called reality checks. Their proclamations about Mulder's faults and flaws were nothing short of blasphemous. Besides, they simply indulged in the one service he was obliged to provide them- food. They failed to appreciate Mulder the way she did.

Yet, Woke realized that because of Mulder, one of these fish died. The vibrations proved too intense for him. Had Mulder not cared for them? Had he not fed them and graced them with his presence? This sobering realization sent Woke back down to the tank floor to contemplate. She descended and finally landed with a placid, unceremonious thud. The vibrations continued, and Woke closed her eyes. Somewhere in that tumult and confusion, Woke stopped thinking about Mulder. In fact, she ceased to think entirely and floated to the water's surface. How joyous she would have been to know that Mulder picked her up and flushed her down the toilet.

After two of his fish dying after dribbling a basketball in his home, he quickly concluded that he was the issue. From that day forward, Mulder practiced on a court.

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