Chapter 11

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I was in the back of my mind now. My wolf at the front. I felt how scared we both were. We shared feelings. I didn't know how much I could do. But I knew what I was focused on. Running.

I ran through thick forest, the millions of twigs and leaves breaking under my my paws. The little bit of snow on the grown had covered my feet, legs and the bottom of my torso.

I never heard anyone coming from behind me. But I kept running as if they were.

I came to a small pond. It was barley frozen so I stopped to take a drink.

I didn't even know my wolf side existed. So I took the time to explore.
Smelling the air I could smell so much more. I tested out my body, feeling the way my tail moves and how my legs worked.

I caught the scent of another animal. I heard it moving around with my eyes. And I wanted to kill it. My instincts of being hungry.

Crouching down, through the brush, I saw the tail of a rabbit. I caught another smell. Another wolf. They would not get this prey before I did.

Leaping for the rabbit I caught it in my mouth as the other wolf went for it as well.

I growled with the rabbit twitching in my mouth squealing. This wolf was larger than me and showed it's teeth back.

I stood taller. Me and my wolf felt this sudden burst of power radiating off of us making us puff out our chest.

The wolf lowered its chest, putting its head to the side in submission. After the kill was dead, I ate from it, licking my chops and cleaning up as much blood as I could. The other wolf smelt like it was female. It was as young as me but I knew she could take me down if she wanted to.

After I ate till I was full I let her eat the rest. My mouth was covered in blood but I didn't mind. I took it as a mark of an achievement.

She shifted into her human form. Her body was toned, she definitely worked out. I found myself a little self conscious. I knew I was a small wolf and a small girl. But I had a "rank" as what Marcus called it.

"Shift?" She asked.

I thought. How do I shift back? Maybe it was the same as shifting, just imagining myself as human.

"Do you know how?" She asked. "Just concentrate on your body, your fingers, your hair, your face. Works every time."

I closed my eyes and focused on my body, my red hair, my white skin with small barley visible freckles, my legs and how they bent.

Feeling my bones shift, I no longer had fur and a tail, and instead I was naked kneeling on the ground.

I covered myself as best as I could with my hands.

"Don't be afraid of being nude. I've seen plenty of naked She wolves. We all shift around each other." She laughed. "You must be who they're all talking about."

"Who are you?" I asked. "Did Alpha Nathan send you?"

"No no no. I'm from the Moon rain pack." She said.

"Moon rain pack?" I asked. "Why does that sound familiar?"

"I'm not sure. We have some of the best ranking warriors in the West." She said. "Most of us go on to fight for King Leon."

She walked closer to me and sat on a nearby log.

"What do you mean I must be the one they're talking about?" I asked.

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