Book I- Strings

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C H A P T E R  O N E -

I wrote this when I was thirteen, so the plot is cheesy and cringey. I apologize.

I knew it! I screamed at the back of my head as I held the novel by both of my hands. I bit my lip, quivering to refrain from making sounds that could escape my thin lips. Just yesterday I was wondering whoever was the maniac and it had came down to three and little did I suspect lil-good-ole boy Luke would seal the lingering case.

'But they had a perfect chemistry," a thought crept up and annoyed my mind.

Lifting my head up, I noticed the people running around like savages, screaming yet I was pre-occupied. I couldn't even recognize the background noises around me. I stood up and grabbed the book whilst ignoring the defeaning noise.

"Star!" I whipped my head to the sight of Elise as she waved her hands at me drawing closer. I simply stared at her  and I couldn't comprehend what her intentions were. I, for one, hate dealing with people.

"Do you have a spare pencil?" Geez for pete's sake. As much as I was tempted to roll my eyes, I had to keep the temptation in. Really? Who goes to school without any complete suplies?

In addition, it's also not my problem, not my own hassle and I don't like sharing.

I shook my head. It was a hassle speaking to a mere acquaintant yet only for a pencil--plus I'd need it later and I'd be trouble to ask her back for my pencil without a doubt she already lost it.Tch!

"Too bad," she groaned, frowning as her forehead showed visible wrinkles from probably crossing her eyebrows too often.

2 4  //  7

"Mina do you want to have  fun?!" Ms. Dalen, our Values teacher, hollered while everyone got up and  cheered raising their fists to my annoyance I covered my ears and watch my sanity go little by little by this on-going ruckus.

"I'm sure everyone would love this excellent idea, you and your crushes could get close," Ms.Dalen winked. Everyone squealed and shouted, while I sat down praying my ears could still keep going on after this crappy class.

"First I'd mention your partners, then I'd explain what the perfomance is all about," she added.

Ms. Dalen began calling out everyone's name paired with  the opposite sex and it seems her promise really did and went well considering they turned crisom red seeing their 'buddies'. I wasn't the type to get all hyped with hearing the partners but I was grateful I'd finally get a partner  instead of working all by myself.

"Butterfly and um. . ." a defeaning silence came. Everyone stared at me with doubt and worried. No one likes me anyway and I get that---alot.


Upon hearing my own partner, my world crumbled and shrivelled up.  I wasn't expecting I'd be paired up with him. From rumours I heard he is from a violent pack of gangsters; he smokes  a lot or drinks and something by the lines of that.

On top of that what remains a fact is that if those rumors were even fact itself or just mere judgment by his facial features and clothing.

That's just scary. People are scary; the minute they'd be saying lies and people claim it's all truth. It's one of the reasons I'd stay out of these people's way. And I'm still terrified what if it's a fact? Would I still live for a day or I'll perish before 24/7 starts?

Going back to my partner, I remained dumbfounded that I couldn't even dare make an eye contact on Diaz. His fierce gaze always melted and superiorated me.

"So, this isn't  any written pro---"

"Yay!!" the whole class exclaimed jubillantly with widespreaded smiles and welcomed hugs fed up the whole class. Ms.Dalen cleared her throat to gain her role once more besides the fact the students were disrespectful, cutting right in as if it were the usual routine.

"As I SAID, this isn't  a written project nor something you'd use your brain with but you'd need teamwork."

"The project  is called "Trust and Care," upon hearing the project everyone toned down, now the chirping of the birds were heard clearly than before and it seems everyone wanted to pay attention.

"You'd be tied up together 24/7 and if you happen to remove the strings that binded both of you, you'd. . .fail my class," I peeked at Diaz wearily and slumped back to my seat.

"Please stand up as I call your name and I'd tie you two. You'd be having a sleepover decided whose house will be used on."

"What?!" I screamed at the back of my mind. Is she crazy? Is this even legal?!

2 4   //  7

This was awkward. Never had I imagined being stuck with a guy tied to me and worst is that he's accused or taken as the gangster. Imagine Star Butterfly, the girl who kept herself preoccupied with  books and silence suddenly gets involve in fights and frat wars.

Damn, if I only knew I'd live an adventurous life, then I'd turn it down without a doubt. The thought of interacting nor skinship gagged me--right now where our hands are touching each one's skin.

How can I probably survive being with him 24/7? When the time hasn't  started yet but I began to doubt.


Re written : May 7,2020

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