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I had just watched Ashli get tossed out of the window. I looked forward and seen that there was no windshield. I smashed the brakes, which stopped and made the passenger's side door hit a tree. The driver's side door wouldn't open, so I kicked the door open. I ran down the road, looking for Ashli.

"Ashli", I called out in the distance. I heard a small whimper come from the trees, and that was the directon I ran in. When I got to the edge of the woods, there was Ashli with cuts and bruises all over her.

"Ashli", I said. Ashli turned her head slowly, her face covered in cuts. I pulled out my phone and called the paramedics. I gave them the address and a brief explanation of what happened. Within 20 minutes, they were there with an ambulance. The paramedics picked Ashli up on a stretcher and loaded her in the ambulance. Meanwhile, the paramedics were putting a bandage on a cut on my arm.

I rode in the ambulance with Ashli and the paramedics when they left for the hospital. When I looked at Ashli, she looked horrible. Ashli looked at me her eyes welled up with tears.

"Ash, what's wrong", I asked as I grabbed her hand.
"My ankle, it hurts", Ashli said as she pulled the blanket back to let me see.
"Ashli, your ankle is cut really deep", I said. I told the paramedics, and the lead paramedic called over the radio. "Emergency surgery, the woman from the car accident has a very deep cut on her ankle", the paramedic said. Ashli looked at me.

"Joey, you have to come with me. Please, I can't go in there alone", Ashli said as she cried.
"Ashli, I will do my best to be in there. I promise", I said as we pulled into the hospital parking lot. 3 nurses came out of the hospital and pulled the stretcher out of the ambulance.

"Joey", Ashli said as she was wheeled through the emergency doors.
"I'm coming Ashli", I said as I chased the stretcher. I grabbed Ashli's outstretched hand and followed them into the surgery room.

"Sir, you'll have to go into the waiting room. You can't be in here while we do the surgery", a nurse said.
"No, she's my girlfriend. I can't leave her alone", I said as I tried to run to Ashli. The nurse called out in the hallway, and 2 guards came and had to drag me out of the room.

"Joey", was the last thing I heard as I got pulled out of the room.


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