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When we got to Chillerz, Ian, Mic, and John L. were already there.

"Who's ready to party", I asked excitedly. And in unison, they answered, "We are!" We each came in, ready to have a good night.

We were all having a good time. We'd each had a few drinks, but Joey was definitely on the tipsy side. He was talking a lot, while being goofy.

"Uh, Joey", Mic said.
"You're extremely chatty tonight." Joey done a funny smile and kept on talking about random stuff. I laughed. It was fun, being with Joey's friends.

"Uh-oh", I said.
"What", Joey asked with a questionable look on his face, breaking out of his tipsy state.
"Look", I said and pointed to a table.

It was Brandi and Daniel, together, not far from us.

"We need to go", John said. We waved the waitress over and paid the bill, before all getting ready to go.

"Oh look. Guess who it is? It's Joey and Ashli", said a familiar voice. It was Daniel's.

"Just keep on going", I told everyone as Joey pushed me.  We walked outside, only to find our car messed up.

The windows were busted, the doors were dented in and the windsheild was broken. We were even robbed!

"I bet I know who done this", Joey said, "When I'm done with them, they'll be scared to even look at me." Joey turned around to go back inside, but I stopped him.

"Don't do it. It's not worth it", I said. He looked at me, his eyes wide with anger.
"It would be worth it. But Ashli, we can't let them get away with this. They have destroyed us and if they get away with this, they'll try to hurt us more and they'll hurt other people", Joey said. I sighed.

"Joey, I know what you mean. But you can't hurt them in public. Let's just call the cops.", I said.
"I agree with Ashli", John said. "So do I", Tony said.
"Yeah, me too", Ian said. Joey sighed.

"Fine", he said. He called the cops and they arrested Daniel and Brandi. We jumped for joy when they were gone. Or, at least most of us did (wheelchair😆). The guys went to their houses while me and Joey went to my house. When Joey opened the door, my phone rang.

"Hello", I said as I answered the phone.
"He's mine", said a voice. I didn't recognize the voice, but I was scared.
"Who's yours?" There was a long pause before anyone answered.
"Joey is mine." I gasped.
"What do you mean", I asked. There was an evil laugh and then an answer to my question.

"I'll take him, and he'll never be seen again", the voice said. The other person hung up the phone. I was left stunned.

"Joey, come here!" Joey came quickly.
"Yeah", he asked as he stood in the doorway. "Someone called me and threatened me to take you and that you'd never be seen again", I said. "Who?" I sighed.

"I don't know", I said in a whisper.
"Ash, I would never let something like that happen. Maybe it was just someone trying to scare you. It could have just been a prank call", Joey said.
"Who's the number from?" I looked at the number.
"A private number", I said. He walked towards me, hugged me and said, "Whoever it was, they were prank calling you", Joey said reassuringly. I nodded and wheeled myself to the bottom of the staircase.

"I need help getting to my room", I said. Joey came and walked me up the stairs and helped me into my room.
"Thanks and good night", I said.
"Your welcome. Have a good night", he replied. I smiled and went to sleep.

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