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I was finally able to come home that weekend. Joey had been seeing me everyday. When I was able to leave, the doctors said I would be in a wheel chair for about 2 more weeks, and then we would go on from there.

"Hey Joey", I said when he came to pick me up. "Hey Ash. What's up", he asked, trying to be funny.
"The sky, the clouds, that airplane", I said, being funny back. I was able to get out of the wheel chair for a minute, but only to get in the car. As we drove home, I asked Joey a question.

"Hey Joey, did you ever figure out who hit us", I asked.
"Oh yeah. Turns out, it was Brandi. She had wrecked us, hoping that you would die and then she could get back together with me", Joey said. "Oh. Well, she is out of luck I guess", I said. Joey chuckled.

When we got home, Joey helped me out and into the wheel chair.

"Thank you", I said as we walked into my house. "Is there anything I can get for you or anything that you want", Joey asked me.
"Can you please stay here? Or at least until I'm out of this wheelchair", I asked him.
"Sure. But I need to get some clothes from my place", he said.
"Ok. Thank you", I said.
"Your welcome", he said and he walked out the door.


When Joey got back, I was asleep. I had woke up from the sound of the door opening.
"Hey Joey", I said when he walked in.
"Hey Ashli. Is it ok that I brought my friend John Norum", Joey asked me.
"Yes, it is", I said excitedly. John walked in and I wanted to pass out. John Norum was my 2nd-favorite person in the world, behind Joey Tempest.

"Hello. You must be Ashli", John asked.
"That's me. I'm Ashli", I said as, and unexpectedly, John gave me a hug as if we had been friends forever.

"I just wanted to give you a hug because Joey told me what happened to you. I'm sorry for what happened", John said.
"Ash, I picked up some take-out on the way back", Joey said from the kitchen.
"Thank you", I said. John handed me a box and walked into the kitchen with Joey. I opened the box and seen a card with something at the bottom wrapped in pink wrapping paper. I opened the card and read it. It was a homemade card, which Joey had made.

It read:
Dear Ashli,
I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened a couple of nights ago. It was all my fault. If I would have been paying attention,none of this would have happened. I should take the blame and be in the wheelchair, not you. I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this pain. If I could take the pain away from you and I have all of the pain, I would. But I can't. If there is any way that I can help, just let me know.
With love,

I wanted to cry. Joey thought that our car accident was his fault, but it wasn't. I felt so bad for him. I then opened the gift. It was a Chillerz $100 dollar gift card. I wheeled my way into the kitchen where Joey and John were talking.

"Let's all go to Chillerz and have dinner", I said, holding up the gift card.
"Ash, the gift card is for you and your friend Gigi, not us", Joey said.
"Well, Gigi and I can go another time. Tonight, let's all go. Get the rest of the band: We're having a night out", I said.
"Ok", Joey said as he picked up his phone. "Hey guys. I wanted to know if you guys wanted to come to Chillerz tonight? Ok, thank you", Joey said as he hung up the phone.

"They're coming", Joey said as he helped me out to the car.

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