~Whispers within the trees~

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"Where are you going?!" I managed to shout but it seemed to have no effect on her. She ran ahead, I watched her as she ran mindlessly, messily zig zagging around the crowds that walked on the grey pavements. I followed her, bumping into people who faced me with a scrowl. Apologizing seemed to have no effect.

I kept running behind her slim figure, her waist length black hair swaying from side to side as she ran, her soft pink knee length dress flowing with the wind that blew pass the crowds. Like a child she ran, searching for something. It's been years since we visited Kyoto.

She suddently stopped and looked upwards. I followed her line of sight to see a beautiful sakura tree. It was already in full bloom and it's petals were starting to fall for the breeze. The petals as pink as her dress she stared at it. The busy office crowds started to die down, to them, the tree seemed invisible. But for her, it was the only thing she could see.

"Yuki..." I called her once more, not knowing what she would do. She quickly looked at me, her brown eyes glittered in the setting sun. Her smile made my heart flutter. She chuckled sweetly and beckoned me to come with her as she walked closer to the tree.


The crowds were dying down. The bright sun rays of egg yolk yellow and bright orange streaks flew across the sky. The hues of pink and purple started to blot into the light blue in the sky. The sun was setting, the crowds were dying, soon the huge pavement will be crowded with people as the offices closed. But right now, apart from a few people, only Yuki and I sat under this sakura tree. She was quiet and she kept looking upwards, her black hair falling perfectly on her shoulders as she stared into the web of flowers above her. I sat next to her, my heart pounding. She was just a close friend who was so sweet and so innocent. Lovable, kind, caring. She was Yuki. And I... was helplessly in love with her. 

"Takuya!" she whispered in excitement and my eyes went from her to what she was looking at. I looked up at the tree, the pastel colours and the sunlight of the sky now making it difficult to look up. 

"What is it?"

"Can you see that flower? It has six petals!"

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