Oh Mother....

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  • Dedicated to Momma Murphy

For those of you who can't define your mother

Or have lost the ability to do so

I'm here to aid you

With some choice adjectives of my own

She is a warrior

A fighter

A super hero of epic proportions

A chef

A seamstress

A maid

And often times an unpaid doctor

She could be your number one fan

Or the raving beast on the sidelines

The Joan of Arc to your never ending battles

And a sword to your shining shield

But she is not always as pleasant

Not always the savior

But the dragon who keeps you locked away

Or the glare giving teacher

But that is only on the off chance that you let her down

Which you never could

She has you above everyone else

On a pedestal like an idol

She'll love you as you love others

Being there to catch you when someone couldn't love you back

And to wipe away the salt water that was carried from the ocean to your eyes

The Ying to your Yang

The night to your day

Or the angel to your devil

The other half you couldn't live without

Giving you life

She gave you a heart and a mind

Just not as great as hers

To be loved by her is a gift

And to live with her is a privilege

She is your best friend

Your partner in legal crime

Your therapist

And she is women who gave you life and everything in between

She is your mother

Give her one day

When she gave you every other one

Happy Mothers Day


Love your momma, love her lots.


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