Five Reasons to Date a Desperate Teenage Girl

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When you say you love her, and you don't mean it

She'll believe you

Her mouth will stretch into a smile at the sound of your words

Grasping your hand and showering you with kisses

Completely head over heels for you

Drinking in every word you whisper to her that night

So she'll be drunk on them even when she wakes up tomorrow


When you cheat on her and beg for forgiveness

She'll forgive you

Though she will hunt down the girl you temporarily loved

Analyze every inch of her perfect diamond face

Envy the body she wishes she had

Think of the friends and life she would trade her own for

And wonder why you chose her over what you already had


When he pulls you away from friends and family

She'll follow you

Blindingly, leaving everyone who you said didn't love her

Making you her only friend and safe spot to depend on

And when her best friend tries to call and text her

You'll take her phone just to delete and block their number forever

Because who could love her as much as you do?


When you drink to much and beg her for sex

She'll welcome it

As reluctant as it may seem

She will let your poison covered lips crawl up her neck

Your rough hands slide up her leg and under her skirt

Her body will stiffen and her breathing will catch

But she will undress herself for you

With hopes of an hour long moment of where you and her are one


When you hit her, and say you don't mean it

She'll run back to you

Telling you that it was alright

That she deserved what you did to her

And that it was somehow her fault

You'll watch her as she wipes away her bloody cuts and your false tears

And you will hold her loosely in your arms

Because you cannot stand to hold onto such a broken girl

Even when she has held onto you for too long

When you decide to date a desperate teenage girl

Know that you are purchasing a full package

With a stamp reading 'handle with care'

And if you were to drop the fragile glass inside

It will break and look disfigured

But it will try it's hardest to shine back at you

But it will reflect the hateful glaze you have caste upon it


Watching poetry readings on YouTube around midnight is one of my favorite things in the summer.

PS. - If you were to ever made an edit of one of my poems (which I would love), tag me on Instagram or Twitter so I can like it or retweet it! Both accounts are listed on my profile.


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