The Fortress

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The journey to Stewjon began the next morning as Sir Ren and Hux led the way in their horses. It was going to take some time to get there so they decided to make a stop at Ren's fort. The rocky fortress was built for his personal use only and was very well guarded. Building the fortress took some years with the use of slaves. Ren wanted to be like King Anakin and adopted the usage of slaves. He planned on building more fortresses with each of his conquers. The Knights of Ren were expecting him back in the fort to discuss their next move and meeting with King Snoke. 

Rey kept her defiant attitude, not wanting to eat breakfast either that morning. She was traveling in a wooden wagon with both hands tied on the front. Its windows were smaller compared to the Birren carriage making Rey unable to see outside. A few small holes were carved in the small windows. Her stomach growled from hunger and body felt weak, refusing to eat from the enemy. There have also been two days Rey haven't slept that well either. It all seemed like a never-ending nightmare and Rey was beginning to lose hope. If only Finn and the others could stop Ren and free her. Rey then wondered why Ren hated so much Queen Leia. The way he talked about her was of someone been betrayed or lied to. Also, his discontent with Sir Kenobi bothered Rey. This man, Sir Ren, was full of secrets which Rey needed to find out. 

After a couple of hours, the party finally made it to the stone fortress. Both Ren and Hux got down of their horses. Ren observed how Rey was taken out of the wagon. The girl was unable to walk properly and he knew it was because of hunger. 

"What is this place," an exhausted Rey asked, squinting her eyes as she looked at the fortress. 

Ren walked over her, removing his gloves carefully. "Welcome to my headquarters, Miss Kenobi."

"I thought we were heading to Stewjon," She said altered, "Unless it was just a lie." 

Ren smirked at her, "Actually no. I've some personal businesses to attend here. Then, we'll continue our journey after I'm done." 

"Take this rebel to her temporary cell room," Hux ordered the two soldiers holding Rey. "This time you will not be able to escape."

It was obvious that Hux wanted to taunt Rey but she wasn't in the mood to retort him. Before she could be taken away, Ren made a hand signal, stopping them. "Take her to one of the spare rooms near my chambers instead."

This impressed Rey who couldn't believe what she just heard. The monster was being compassionate sending her to a better place instead of a nasty cell room in the dungeons. Finally, she could perhaps have a nice rest. 

"Why so considerate all of a sudden, Ren?" Hux asked annoyed. 

Still looking at Rey, "I'm not. It's the safest wing on the fortress and our prisoner won't be able to run away this time."

"Letting personal feelings go in your way, I see. Just like the old king it seems." 

"General, you seem to forget I run things here. For your sake, better start obeying my orders." Ren spat back at Hux. He then turned to look at the soldiers holding Rey. "From now on, this simpleton won't give orders to nobody. Take her inside."

Rey wanted to laugh at an angry Hux but then the soldiers took her away. Sir Ren followed back, brushing his shoulder with Hux's in an uncaring way. 

When Rey was taken to the spare room, the door was locked behind her. Her hands were untied and rubbed both wrists gently. They were bruised from the thick rope. Rey was still a prisoner but with better accommodations. The room wasn't that large compared to the one in Birren's castle. There was a bed, a desk with a chair, one mirror, and a chimney to keep the room warm. To Rey's surprise, there was a washroom too. It felt warm inside and the tub was made of stone. 

Not thinking it twice, she filled the tub with water and undressed. She needed a bath and to relax her body muscles. It was warm enough and Rey began to soak when suddenly heard the door open. Rey wondered who could it be and heavy footsteps started to come closer.  It was Sir Ren, standing in the doorway of the washroom. 

She gasped, covering her breasts with both arms around her. "I'd expect at least a knock on the door. Not only you're a monster but also a pervert!"

"Like I told the general, I make the rules here

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"Like I told the general, I make the rules here. I can come in whenever I wish to." He mockingly said, trying not to get closer to the girl. She was desirable and most likely would make any man the luckiest one in the world. 

"Please, just go. I need privacy for once!" Rey urged, noticing how Ren was walking over her. Her cheeks turned crimson red as he was just inches from the stone tub.

He then kneeled and with one hand tested the water, looking straight at Rey. His lips were full and of a red color. Not many men around Birren had such gorgeous lips. "You will have dinner with me tonight."

"...I'm not hungry," Rey said, moving away from him. 

"Yes, you are." He said still feeling the water in his fingers. "There are some nice dresses inside the closet. Wear the most appropriate one for the night."

She sighed shakily, "Alright. I will have dinner with... you. But can you please leave now?"

Smirking, he removed his hand from the tub and stood up. "Sure do. I'll send my guards to look up for you. Better be punctual this time." 

Rey didn't say anything else but watched as Ren turned to walk out of the washroom. This relieved the girl as she leaned her head back on the warm cloth serving as a pillow. It was the first time a man saw her nude especially her captor. The man didn't have morals obviously but Rey had no other options either. This was his place and whether she liked or not he would do as he pleased.

Stepping outside the tub, she wrapped herself in a clean towel and went back to the room. Opening the closet, there was an emerald green dress she liked and put it on. Her pearl necklace was lost but Rey still had the one Leia gave to her. Putting her hair up, she added a headpiece and taking a last glance in the mirror, Rey was ready to meet Ren once more. 

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