Duchy of Stewjon

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Rey felt Ren's fingers playing with the dress strings crossed in her back, entangling and loosening some of them, and she went still. Fingers then slid under the fabric and onto her skin. Fingers brushed her warm skin and he wanted to remove the dress completely. His kisses were also possessive, thoroughly, and with languid ease.

Then, words spoken by Hux came through her mind about Sir Ren using her to get what he desired. Perhaps he was doing this to use Rey and later get rid of her. After loosening most of the strings, he ran his hands down and up her bare spine. "You're beautiful," he muttered after breaking the kiss to catch some air. " I want to feel your skin against mine tonight and give you a lot of pleasure."

He will kill you whenever we get to Stewjon.

Your days are counting, missy. Stewjon will belong to us after getting rid of you.

Ren only cares about himself and to rule over others.

What if Hux were right? Rey wondered. Sir Ren spoke ill about his own mother. Also, when he was young, Ren dreamed about dethroning her. To Ren, the old king did right and was a role model for him to follow. His hands cupped her face and claimed her mouth once again. However, this time Rey wanted him to stop. She suddenly broke the kiss.

"....Stop, we can't..." Rey said trying to break free from his strong arms. "Don't do this to me, Kylo.."

He did stop and looked rather confused at this. Rey looked up at him, "I know your motives.."  

"Motives?" He asked raising a brow. "That I want you really bad after all this time of being in denial? That's only but the truth."

"No," Rey answered, fixing the top of her dress. "You only want to use me. Do you think I'm that gullible to think you feel anything for me?"

Turning around, Ren sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "If you knew all you're missing."

Rey narrowed her eyes and finished adjusting the dress. His gorgeous back was on her now. "And what will that be?"

"You could become a queen, have power, and crush enemies!" He said, turning to face her again and noticing the girl's look of horror. "You, my dear, will have it all, even me."

This terrorized her. Of course, Rey didn't want to rule over the unfortunate ones like he wished to. If she ever became a royal, the first thing Rey would do is help the villagers just like Queen Leia. If only Ren could change his ways of thinking.  "I'm sorry, but I can't. Like your mother, I believe in peace and prosperity. Kylo, your grandfather was wrong.."

"And yours was right?" He exploded, clenching his fists tighter, ignoring the pain from his arm. "Sir Kenobi was a traitor to the crown! He was responsible for the death of my grandmother! He never protected her as he promised King Anakin!"

"That's not true!" Rey yelled, "Stop, this! You're lying!"

His mouth curved upward. "We will see who's the real liar, my dear. Tomorrow, we will arrive there and I will avenge the old king by destroying everything left of the Kenobi family."

Rey's eyes filled with tears, "You're not like the old king. That I can feel. Kylo Ren is nothing like King Anakin!"

"Leave," He snarled walking over the bed and sitting in it. Seeing Rey crying weakened him especially when he was harsh on her. There had to be another way to make Rey his wife and future queen. In the end, she was going to fall on her knees and beg for his attention.

Watching Ren lying on the bed, Rey turned and walked out of the tent hurt. He wanted to run after her, hug her, kiss her, and apologize. Of course, he wasn't going to hurt her family if she was truly Obi Wan's granddaughter. He wondered if it was lust all he felt for her or maybe more than that. Rey was not a whore like his past lovers. Any man will be lucky to have her as a wife. Sir Ren was positive that he was going to win her. She was going to be his.

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