Birren's invasion

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The news of Queen Leia being sick and frail reached nearby villages ears. Many wondered who would take over the throne in case she abdicated or died. Those who knew she had a son thought this was his opportunity to inherit the throne. Birren's population feared Sir Kylo Ren thinking he was the one responsible for killing his own father. 

"He must be poisoning the queen too..." 

"Our kingdom will be doomed if he becomes King!"

"The queen's court would never allow that monster to take over this town!"

These were some of the things civilians would say about the heir to the throne. Ren was often accused of killing Prince Han and people thought it was not an 'accident'. However, these were just rumors going around Birren and other nearby villages. One that would always roll his eyes at this was no other than Luke, prince of Birren and son of the late King Anakin.

Luke rejected the throne years ago in favor of his twin sister Leia. What his father did to others affected the former young prince deciding to abandon Birren. He was now a middle-aged man with no family whatsoever. The prince never married nor took on any lover. Most of his life was spent on training young men who wished to become knights.

It was time for Luke to go back to his hometown and see the ill queen. Also, something was telling him his nephew wasn't far too gone. He had committed a lot of injustices with his army but never to his own family. 

That morning, Luke finished packing his things and sheathing his sword in place. He would make the trip alone and on a horse. There was no need for a carriage. A simple cottage was his new home in Tatooine. Before he could mount his horse, Luke glanced up to the blue skies. 

"Leia... I'm coming home."

Bad weather nor the enemy would stop Poe and Finn from continuing to look up for Rey. They were close to Stewjon now with a large group of guards following them. They promised the queen that Rey of Stewjon would be returned home. An old farmer told them about seeing Rey being taken to Stewjon and the path taken by her captors. Finn couldn't wait to save Rey. He truly loved her and even thought about asking her to marry him. 

This was going to hurt Rose, the daughter of another blacksmith and old friend of Finn's family. He didn't love her like that and wanted Rose to find love in another man. They could be interested in taking her hand for marriage instead. Finn's mind was already made and for him, there was not any other woman like Rey. He missed her smile and warm hugs. 

"We're almost there," Poe interrupted Finn from his thoughts. "The sun is about to rise. Not a perfect moment to infiltrate a town but still close."

Finn looked ahead and squinted as the first rays of light started to appear on the horizon. "I hope she's alright. I've risked my life for Rey. I'm willing to do so many times too."

"Your love for this girl is strong, my friend. Does she returns those feelings?" Poe asked.

No. Finn knew Rey didn't see him like that. "She will, someday."

Poe let out a sigh. "Careful, Finn. Love could lead men to their death."

"And why would you say that?" Finn asked indignantly. 

"For starters, Rey could be in love with someone else. She was raised to become a strong independent woman who could choose the love of another man." 

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