Chapter 1

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It was a bright, sunny day. Sunlight brightened up the whole city, regardless of the artificial light that most shopping malls and buildings have provided, and people filled the streets without a care in the world; some were running, some were talking to their friends and some were listening to music.

It was a normal day and everybody liked these types of days.

Kuro Ash however, would argue that these types of days were overrated and did not deserve to be well-liked by the whole community.

A 'normal and sunny' day was one of the types of days that he hated due to the hustling and bustling of the city, the way the sunlight shone on his pale skin (to which's sensation he felt uncomfortable in because it felt so weird), the increase in noise pollution and the people.

The types of days he preferred were those dark, rainy days that seemed to cast a shadow over the populace, the one where most people would be cursing the Gods for ruining their perfect day.

Call him emo or whatever, but he jested that by ruining their perfect days, it turned itself into one of his perfect days.

One man's trash is another man's treasure, they say.

He sighed as he ran a hand through his silky blue bangs and pushed them to the side, revealing crimson red orbs that contrasted his pale skin and his hair and continued walking to a destination that even he himself didn't know what was.

His blue coat's hood that had fur attached and shaped to resemble a cat's ears fell off his head, and he contemplated for awhile on whether he should pull it back up or not, before deciding that it would be too troublesome to do so and chose the latter.

It was a smart choice because in doing so, he could see things that were previously blocked due to his hood covering it.

And he noticed that in his reflection of a window screen of a store, his stature was super sloppy and he was slouching more than usual, possibly due to him trying to avoid the sunlight from hitting him because he wasn't used to it.

He was used to and preferred being in the dark instead of being in the sun, and it was kind of a new sensation to him regardless of how he's done this so many times.

'Maybe because it's a different world... But don't all worlds' suns feel like this? I mean, it's the same as before, but... Well, you can't really blame me after being in the dark for so long... This is always gonna feel weird for me no matter how many times I've done this, huh?' He pondered.

Even though he was human, he would never get used to the feeling of sunlight on his human skin because it felt so strange to him.

He took a while to oversee himself in the reflection and he even took the effort to stand up straight and tall just to get accurate results.

He looked as tired as ever; regardless of his height his coat's ragged tails still touch the ground; he was slightly paler than the people walking behind him and oblivious of his presence, and that could make him stand out in the crowd.

'Will people think I'm sick if I look this pale? Back then, my skin has already been pale... But I'm a human and humans have skin that's more vibrant, in a way. I'll stand out, won't I? I should eat more from now on...' He noted in his mind.

He narrowed his eyes and the guy in the window screen did the same, and he inspected the crimson red eyes his reflection had.

Huh... even after all this time, after all this trouble, not once did his eye color even change at all, neither did his seven, or eight, if you count that maniacal guy to be blood-related to him, siblings' eye colors too.

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