Chapter 5

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"Ah, Kuro? Is that you?"

At those five words that were voiced out through a voice that sounded like it belonged to a certain little raven, Kuro felt his heart stop and felt the need for the ground to swallow him whole.

'Ah, this was so troublesome,' Kuro groaned to himself in his mind.

A familiar and slightly screechy deep voice that certainly belonged to a male that Kuro most definitely did not know called out, and Kuro had to stop himself from shitting his pants once he heard it because oh my God, please do not tell him that 'he' was in the store right now.

Instead, he did what a normal and reclusive introvert like himself would do when placed in such a situation like this:

He pretended to not know who the voice belonged to and continued to wait for the lady behind the cashier counter to finish scanning all of his items and he casted his stare down onto the floor to appear inconspicuous, finding the smooth tiled floor to be interesting at the moment.

But it appears that lady luck was not on his side today because the owner of the voice clasped a hand on his shoulder, centimetres away from Mahiru's tail, and he inwardly cursed at himself for agreeing to go out.

This was the types of situations that he wanted to avoid so he barely went out, but since Mahiru had insisted, he subconsciously complied like it was normal for him to, like he was obligated to, and it scared him on how compliant he was.

And look at where that has brought him now. The very situation he has tried to avoid for so long.

How splendid of his luck.

Mahiru jumped at the newcomer and his eyes darted towards the person, but an ominous feeling grew inside of him as he stared at those crimson red eyes that belonged to the raven and he narrowed his eyes, instantly taking a dislike towards him.

Those eyes that the raven possessed, it was just like his; a monster's, and his eyes didn't suit his face at all, not like how they did to Kuro's.

Kuro's and the raven's standing before him's eyes were almost the same, as well as his own eyes, but unlike Kuro who's eyes suited his face and made him a tad bit more attractive because of his blue locks, the raven's eyes did not.

Black and red did mix well, but most of the time, the outcome of that potion was evil.

Or maybe he was just being biased because he did view Kuro as slightly attractive and he didn't know whether his own crimson red eyes suited his face or not so he didn't have a say in this, but, well, society be damned, he'll voice out his thoughts.

However, that feeling that told him to stay away from the male in front of him was still present and he hissed slightly at him.

Even if he wasn't in his human form at the moment, anyone could see that the lynx wasn't in a good mood; stony, jaw rigid. His eyes were cold yet flaring—glowing, red-hot, and Kuro immediately noticed the change in attitude.

He raised an eyebrow at that; what caused him to feel this way?

However, one look at to where the lynx was glaring at immediately solved most of his questions; it was Tsubaki, who was looking a tad bit more... intimidated for some reason.

Huh. Well, that was a new emotion that he thought the raven could never project.

He glanced at Tsubaki again before turning back to the cashier, and he grumbled,"What are you standing there for? What do you want? If you ask me, I'd definitely not block the way of other customers who want to come in."

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