Chapter 2

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"And here we are. Welcome to my humble home. Please don't make it much more of a mess than it already is because I don't have the energy or will to clean it up," He monotonously announced as he nudged the door open with his shoulder while holding the lynx in his arms.

He treaded into his domain that was littered and full of ramen cups and potato chip bags scattered about, and he scrunched his face when he unknowingly stepped onto one and it made a crunching noise that sent tingles up his spine.

"I should really clean this place soon... it looks like a garbage dump," He grumbled as he picked up the nearest potato chip bags and ramen cups, cleaning the floor that was previously buried underneath it a little bit, and he tossed them away in a bin.

Well, his apartment was messy, but it wasn't that messy that it looked unlivable to be in.

...Scratch that, he couldn't even fathom anyone else who wasn't him to be able to live in this dump, and if his siblings came over, he'd get ear-rape and a helluva of complaints.

He sighed as he picked up more bags and boxes before tossing them away, and his place looked at least 50% more livable to be in, even if he did the bare minimum.

He then spotted a small table that he could settle the lynx on as he placed it there, and he made a 'stop' motion with his hand, hoping to get his message across,"Don't move. Just wait."

The lynx stared back at him with it's red orbs that glistened in the light, and Kuro took the silence as an 'okay' as he got up and went to his room.

He went to his drawer and fished out a small box that contained the item that he was looking for, and he pulled it out and opened it to see what treasures laid inside.

There were two yellow bells; one looked new and one was very, very rusty, and they were both stationed in place by cushioning that was often used to hold rings in place.

He eyed the rusty bell with longing and sadness in his eyes and even felt some wetness to it, but he wiped them off,"C'mon, it's not time to be emo. I have a freaking lynx waiting for me."

He grabbed the new round yellow bell that had a collar attached to it from the box, sparing one last glance to the rusty one before shutting the box tight and placing it back into the drawer.

He trudged out of the room and spotted the lynx still on the table that he settled him on, relieved that it got his message of 'don't move', and headed straight for it.

He stared at the lynx for three seconds when he was standing in front of it, contemplating whether he should really do this; keeping it and even giving it a name, because once he does that then he'll become attached to it.

He sighed before remembering his sole reason for doing this kind act:

It was to repay him.

His lips quirked up in a small smile, his will and mind finally deciding on the choice that best suited his reason, and he carefully placed the collar that had a bell attached to it around the lynx's neck; he made sure that it wasn't too tight for it so that it could at least breathe.

( A formidable bright brown light that resembled a collar formed, it's base taking shape as the contract was set in motion for the first time in centuries for him.

'One down, two to go,' his mind helpfully reminded him of the requirements, and he clicked his tongue in annoyance at that; he didn't want an Eve for god's sake. )

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