Chapter 3

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"You have the shittiest and dirtiest apartment that I have ever seen before, you know that?" Despair sighed deeply as he turned his body to face the male before him.

The blue-haired male that looked so much like a certain person that Despair had treasured in his past was still gawking at him, standing still like a statue as if he was paralyzed at the sight of him, and it unnerved him to no ends.

Despair tilted his head at the strange behavior; this person wasn't reacting like how he would have expected a normal and simple human to.

Wouldn't he have had said something by now? Like, asked him questions on why the hell was he in his apartment, why he was vacuuming around, whether he was a burglar and such?

Instead, Kuro continued to stare at him with conflicting emotions in his eyes, as if trying to see whether he was an illusion or not, whether he was real, whether he was actually standing before him at the moment.

The situation was getting too awkward for Despair's liking so he decided to break the ice because thinking simply, it was the simplest thing to do,"Um, are you just gonna stand there or what? I was expecting you to freak out or something. No wait, you did freak out in the beginning by hitting me with a broom but that doesn't count does it—"

He was cut off when Kuro clasped a hand over his arm, squeezing it a little and feeling it but doing it gently as if he was a porcelain doll that was not to be damaged at all.

Despair wasn't one for physical contact; hasn't been since centuries ago, when the only people that he could rely on after that had abandoned him.

They had left him by himself after he did what that damn organization had told him to do because he was just following a script that he had known for a long time, and he had justified that it would have happened anyways because that event had already happened to 'them', and they were just following 'their' script.

Of course, they also had justified that they should differ from 'them' and set their own script for themselves, but he deemed that complicated and went by himself to make sure that everything abides by the script.

It was too complicated to try and make a new script and a new future for yourself when you're essentially in somebody else's character that had everything already written out for them.

And he wasn't risking them to get hurt just because he wanted to take a leap of faith and do something different that would change his future forever; he tried so hard not to hurt anyone. In the end, he didn't realise that he was hurting himself inside.

But he jested that even if he did know that he was doing it, he wouldn't care because he deserved it.

Of course, some of them had chosen his side and agreed to do what the organisation had ordered and were kind of still on a friendly-level with him, but he hasn't seen any of them for centuries.

Kind of a bad move when considering they had also went through the same thing that he did back then, when their future was torn away from their grasps, as well as their partners and they were the only one who he could rely on.

But the past can't be changed and he dug his own grave when he didn't bother to search for them anymore, so he always shrugged it off.

If he ever woke up from this nightmarish dream, he'd search for them again, and he wondered on where he would head to and end up at.

It's been so long since he had any kind of physical touch ever since they left him (or he left them), and feeling uncomfortable, he tried to brush the hand off,"Hey, what do you think you're doing—"

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