Chapter 8

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Kuro's world was in infinite darkness, where he could see and touch nothing. Yet, he could still feel his own body floating through the abyss like an empty vessel, and that perplexed him but he decided to let it be.

'Where am I?' He questioned himself using his inner voice, deeming it a hassle to even attempt to try and voice his thoughts out completely due to the fact that nobody would even hear him.

"Thee who lies in the darkness, prowling the undetermined and dangerous abyss, thee who has lost his reason, thee who pitifully searches for his meaning of life who was taken from his grasps long, long ago but to no avail... you have awakened, I see."

"What?" Kuro asked while tossing his head around, using his outer voice now, and he searched for the source of the voice that sounded familiar to his ears.

"You need not look for me for I do not have a conscious body. I am merely an entity— or rather, a first Draft of a script that was scrapped and forgotten, replaced by a newer script that is still continuously writing itself on and on, whereas mine has ended long ago. I do not need to exist, yet I do."

"I don't get what you're saying at all... What a pain," Kuro grumbled as he tried to piece the so-called 'Draft's words together one by one and trying to decipher the meaning out, but to no avail.

"It's okay if you don't get my words. You'll get them with time. However, the fact that my only reason of existence is pretty... dumbfounded, for the lack of a better word, is worrisome and complicated."

Kuro's eyes were narrowed when he registered Draft's voice in,"What? I'm your only reason of existence? What does that even mean? Don't put the burden on my shoulders..."

Draft chuckled at his response,"You truly are the embodiment of Kuro, aren't you, even if you're not entirely him? You two are the same, yet so different at the same time. But the fact that you talk alike... It's amusing."

In an instant, Kuro's eyes sprang wide open and his body was sending him alarm bells to get away from the void he was in, to get away from the danger he was in.

With a feeble voice, he croaked out,"W...what..? What are you saying...? Get me out of here right now! Who's this 'other Kuro'? Who's the other me?!"

Draft seemed taken aback by his outburst as he replied awe-struck,"Y-You... why...? Please, do pray and tell, why is it that even if nobody else is in the vicinity at the moment, you still continue to lie? You know the answer to your question yet you deny it."

"I-I don't—"

"And, you aren't the only person who knows who they have replaced. In fact, some people know, and one of them, excluding us-scrapped-and-forgotten Drafts, know the reason why. So, why do you act like an innocent lamb when really, you're a wolf in sheep's clothing?" Draft questioned him and his words stabbed through his heart and ears like sharpened knives.

However, some of Draft's words stuck with him and they made him question everything,"Wait, some people know 'who they have replaced', and one of them knows the reason why? Who's the some-people, and who is the special... one?"

Draft scoffed at him,"Still acting, I see. You know who most of the people who know are. Though, I would understand if you don't know who the special one is. In fact, nobody else knows who the special one is. He's done a good job hiding his knowledge, huh?"

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