Chapter 9

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(A/N: Yes, that is Mahiru up there. Did someone draw that for me? No, of course not. I made him using Picrew. Picrew is amazing for making your own profile pictures or whatnot. Go check the website out!

And no, guys, I'm not dead. Please remember that. I just have a hard time with time management, and I apologize for that sincerely.)


Half a minute.

He had half a minute until he was late to class.

Kuro dashed up the stairs with unprecedented speed, shocking the lynx that was forcibly stuffed into his bag regardless of the latter's protests— also, that same lynx was currently suffering immense pain from all of the books and items that were inside that were jabbing into his sides.

Mahiru has insisted that he would just stay at the apartment and do whatever household chore the human hadn't done yet, but Kuro was not about to let him out of his sight and reach, much to the former's confusion. Kuro actually used the contract to order him to come with him and of course, the brunette couldn't disobey and went along.

Why the human was so persistent in keeping him close was a mystery to the lynx but he wasn't about to pry open into the human's life without permission so he would just let it be for now.

And moreover, he had more things to focus on at the moment, like the pain of having his form squeezed into the bag with many other books.

"Damn it, I should've taken note of the time. I can't lose my streak. If I do, then that asshole of a teacher would probably never let me down," Kuro grumbled as he paced up the stairs, taking two steps at a time.

He couldn't afford to be late. If he did, then he might never see that infuriated expression on his ass of a teacher's face from seeing him nearly being late to class by a fraction of a second. It was fun to see and irritate the man to the point of snapping and he wasn't about to lose that privilege. He also loved seeing him grumble while marking down his name as 'present' in the attendance instead of 'late'.

The sound of shoes screeching were heard through the corridors as Kuro finally got to his floor (while cursing the school at the same time for putting so much stairs), and the human could finally see salvation by the corner of his eye.

Having found his class's door, he grabbed onto the handle of the sliding door and mustered up his strength to slide it aside with one pull, cringing and wincing at the loud bang the door made with the wall at the force.

His heaving form finally made it's presence known to the other people in the class, shocking them at the sudden intrusion and he had to take a second to regain his breath.

He glanced at the clock and felt triumph run through his veins at seeing the minute hand not hitting the 'three' on the clock just yet, and due to his actions, the teacher of the class looked up at it as well.

Kuro smirked as he saw the teacher's face contort into an infuriated one and the visible tightening of grip he had on his pen as he held the attendance book.

"Tch. I swore that you would be late today. Way to ruin my morning. Go and take your seat, Ash," The man's voice was forced, causing audacious pride to swell up in the former's chest. Yeah, it never gets old seeing the teacher grit his teeth at the sight of him. In fact, it made his morning even better— 'better' stemming from the fact that he was greeted with a warm, delicious and homemade breakfast from a housewife.

Wait, now that he thought about it, it was that same very housewife that forgot to remind him to finish up his breakfast quickly before time ran out when he swore on a promise. Or did he just tune the brunette out when he issued out his reminder, instead choosing to focus on the scrumptious food before him? He didn't remember. All he knew was that he was eating and then he was running straight to school haggardly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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